Effect of Some Plating Variables on Zinc Coated Low Carbon Steel Substrates ()
This work examined the effect of plating variables on zinc coated low carbon steel substrates. The electrodeposition of steel substrates was carried out in zinc electrolyte bath. Time, voltage, distance from the anode to the cathode and the immersion depth served as plating variables. The results showed that weight gained increases as the plating time increases for the constant depth of immersion while the weight gained per unit time by varying immersion depth is irregular. Also, the study demonstrated that sample plated for 20 minutes; 20cm from the anode, 45cm depth of immersion at 0.8V exhibited the best plating properties with homogeneity of diffuse plating efficiency.
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B. Durodola and J. Olugbuyiro, "Effect of Some Plating Variables on Zinc Coated Low Carbon Steel Substrates,"
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 10 No. 13, 2011, pp. 1255-1262. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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