Research Performance Assessment Based on T-Indicator ()
A novel indicator named after Tianjin University (TJU)-T-indicator-was investigated as an effective supplement of established Article Assessment System of Tianjin University, aiming to correct differences among fields. Based on normalized citation counts, T-indicator could give the order of research performance of researchers or groups in different disciplines. Weighted citation analysis was also introduced in this method to judge the contribution of researchers to their research outcomes. A given example was used to thoroughly discuss this evaluation method, via the application of derivative indices, including Tyear, Taverage, Ttotal and weighted-Ttotal.
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L. Zhang, X. Tan, Q. Du and J. Wang, "Research Performance Assessment Based on T-Indicator,"
Open Journal of Statistics, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2012, pp. 346-351. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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