A Comparative Study on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al 6061 Alloy and the MMC Al 6061/TiB2/12p


Al 6061 alloy is widely used for commercial applications in the transportation, construction and similar engineering industries. It possesses excellent mechanical properties in addition to good corrosion resistance due to which the alloy finds extensive application in naval vessels manufacturing. Al-TiB2 composite is a metal matrix composite (MMC) that can be manufactured using the in-situ salt-metal reaction. With TiB2 as the particulate addition the properties of Al 6061 alloy can be greatly improved. A comparison of the mechanical properties and the microstructure of Al 6061 alloy with Al–TiB2 metal matrix composite containing 12% by weight TiB2p manufactured through the in-situ process was presented.

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T. Christy, N. Murugan and S. Kumar, "A Comparative Study on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al 6061 Alloy and the MMC Al 6061/TiB2/12p," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 9 No. 1, 2010, pp. 57-65. doi: 10.4236/jmmce.2010.91005.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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