Globalization and EFL Learning Motivation: A New Perspective on Integrative vs. Instrumental Motivation among Iranian Learners of English


The present study had a globalization perspective on Iranian EFL learners’ motivation to learn the global language, English. It investigated the effects of technological variables such as the Internet and satellite television programs, and social issues like migration and willingness for education at universities abroad on motivation for learning English as a foreign language among Iranian learners. In order to conduct the study, 238 learners of English (107 females and 131 males) were randomly selected from four language teaching institutes in Shiraz, Iran. A questionnaire was first developed based on the operationalization of some aspects of globalization which were either related to instrumental motivation or integrative motivation. The data obtained from the administration of the questionnaire to the participants were later on analyzed and the results revealed that technological, sociological and scientific aspects created or intensified through the process of globalization influenced Iranian EFL learners’ motivation to learn English and that the participants were mainly instrumentally motivated.

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Mehrpour, S. and Vojdani, M. (2012) Globalization and EFL Learning Motivation: A New Perspective on Integrative vs. Instrumental Motivation among Iranian Learners of English. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2, 43-50. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2012.22006.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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