Reconstruction of Wireless UWB Pulses by Exponential Sampling Filter
Juuso T. Olkkonen, Hannu Olkkonen
DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2010.26057   PDF    HTML     4,653 Downloads   8,519 Views   Citations


Measurement and reconstruction of wireless pulses is an important scheme in wireless ultra wide band (UWB) technology. In contrary to the band-limited analog signals, which can be recovered from evenly spaced samples, the reconstruction of the UWB pulses is a more demanding task. In this work we describe an exponential sampling filter (ESF) for measurement and reconstruction of UWB pulses. The ESF is constructed from parallel filters, which has exponentially descending impulse response. A pole cancellation filter was used to extract the amplitudes and time locations of the UWB pulses from sequentially measured samples of the ESF output. We show that the amplitudes and time locations of p sequential UWB pulses can be recovered from the measurement of at least 2p samples from the ESF output. For perfect reconstruction the number of parallel filters in ESP should be 2p. We study the robustness of the method against noise and discuss the applications of the method.

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Olkkonen, J. and Olkkonen, H. (2010) Reconstruction of Wireless UWB Pulses by Exponential Sampling Filter. Wireless Sensor Network, 2, 462-466. doi: 10.4236/wsn.2010.26057.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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