Serological diagnostics of myocardium diseases based on multivariate analysis of cardiotrophic autoantibodies’ profiles


We analyzed profiles of IgG autoantibodies to 16 cardiac specific proteins and their main immunogenic region B-epitopes, in the groups of already verified cardiac pathology: acute and chronic lymphocytic myocarditis, ST elevation myocardial infarction, postinfarction remodeling of myocardium, dilated cardiomyopathy and in healthy controls along with patients, suffered from gastritis (to evaluate immune response against cross-reactive B-epitopes). AAB specific patterns allowed us to distinguish cases among themselves by means of multiparametrical canonical discriminant analysis in approximately 95% of cases. Positive predictive value in the group of MYO reached 95%, in the STEMI—89%, in the PIR—99%, in the DCM—99%, in the group of gastritis—88%. Principal component analysis of mentioned cardiac pathologies extended current clinical knowledge of their immunopathogenesis. Obtained data markedly proved a usability of serum AAB profiling for non invasive screening, differential diagnostics and working hypothesis composition.

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Moiseeva, O. , Mitrofanova, L. , Karelkina, E. , Zverev, D. , Lebedev, D. , Skurydin, S. and Poletaev, A. (2012) Serological diagnostics of myocardium diseases based on multivariate analysis of cardiotrophic autoantibodies’ profiles. Open Journal of Immunology, 2, 49-58. doi: 10.4236/oji.2012.21006.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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