1. Introduction
In the recent monograph [1, p.129], Kulenovic and Glass give an open problem as follows:
Open problem 6.10.16 (A population model).
Assume that and. Investigate the global character of all positive solutions of the systems:
where, which may be viewed as a population model.
To this end, we consider Equation (1) and obtain some interesting results about the positive solutions of Equation (1).
2. Basic Lemma
Lemma 1 Assume that,. Then the following statements are true:
1) If, then Equation (1) has a unique nonegative equilibrium solution as follows:
2) If, then Equation (1) has two no-negative equilibrium solutions as follows:
where, such that
Proof: The equilibrium equations about Equation (1) can be written as follows:
It is easy to see that, is a group solutions of Equation (3).
By (3) we obtain
Noting that (3) and (4) we get:
Changing (5) to (6)
Observing that
So, by the convex functions properties, if
, then we can obtain Equation (6) has a unique positive solution.
In fact, by the continuous of, we can get
Hence, we complete the proof.
3. Main Results
Theorem 3.1 Assume that and.
Then every positive solutions and of Equation (1) have the following properties:
Proof: By Equation (1) we have
It is to say that .
By Equation (1) we also get
This completes the proof.
Theorem 3.2 Assume that,
and. Then every positive solutions of Equation (1) convergences to the unique no-negative equilibrium solution.
Proof: By Theorem 3.1, we have that there exists a nature number n0 such that for.
Hence, by Equation (1) we get
Thus is decreasing.
Suppose that
Then by Equation (1) we have
By induction we obtain
Thus. Hence there exists a such that for.
Noting that Equation (1)
By induction,
It is to see that. This is a contradiction with (7), then.
Noting that Equation (1) we have
Let,. Then
By induction we obtain
as, then
Because of, we obtain that.
By (9) we get.
We complete the proof.
Theorem 3.3 Assume that, and. Then Equation (1) is permanent.
Proof: By Equation (1) we obtain
There exists two positive constants and such that
Using Theorem 3.1, we complete the proof.