The Role of Women in the Utilization of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction ()
Historically women have been excluded from the domain of science since antiquity. Women were viewed as lacking the attributes necessary to carry out rational thought. However, women such as American astronomer Maria Mitchell in the 19th century during her tenure as Professor of Astronomy at Vasser College in the United States may have been the first scientist to utilize inquiry-based science instruction. During the 20th century an elementary teacher named Vivian Coulter was one of the first teachers at an elementary school in the Midwestern United States to utilize the learning cycle which is a form of structured inquiry-based science instruction. This led to a partnership with the University of Oklahoma that has led the learning cycle to be disseminated to many school districts in the Midwestern United States.
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Simpson, W. (2012) The Role of Women in the Utilization of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction.
Creative Education,
3, 75-78. doi:
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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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