The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Paragraph Writing of Iranian EFL Learners
Mansoor Fahim, Somaye Khojaste Rad
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2012.31004   PDF    HTML     8,321 Downloads   15,236 Views   Citations


The present study is an attempt to understand the relationship between self-esteem and paragraph writing of Iranian EFL learners. The study was conducted on both Iranian male and female senior EFL learners studying at Tonekabon and Lahijan Azad Universities. To start the project, first of all, the researcher ran the TOEFL test among 80 students. Then, the Self-esteem Coopersmith inventory was given to the same subjects, after that the researcher asked them to write three different kinds of paragraphs in three forms namely; descriptive, comparison/contrast and cause/effect. However, the last two stages were administered in one session by one week interval. Needless to say, the researcher was available in the class in order to eliminate probable misunderstanding while the subjects were completing all three above-mentioned stages. Finally, in order to come up with the result, the correlation related to the four questions was mea- sured by Pearson-product moment formula, thus, the results of the calculation of correlation coefficient showed a correlation between variables of each question. Based on the above-mentioned results the null hypotheses of this study were all rejected. Meanwhile, the consistency of the raters was calculated by α- Chronbach index showing a high reliability among all raters.

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Fahim, M. and Rad, S. (2012) The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Paragraph Writing of Iranian EFL Learners. Psychology, 3, 24-29. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.31004.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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