Sustainable Logistics Networks in Sparsely Populated Areas
Wei Deng Solvang, Moulay Hicham Hakam
DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2010.31008   PDF    HTML     6,334 Downloads   11,961 Views   Citations


A logistics network is the ‘connective tissue’ in a comprehensive supply chain and often the decisive factor for the chain’s ultimate success. Logistics networks in sparsely populated areas are facing different challenges than those that operating in relatively densely inhabited ones. This paper discusses, firstly, various critical success factors of a logistics network in order for it to sustain in sparsely populated areas. The challenges of establishing and operating a logistics network in sparsely populated areas are then identified and discussed. A case study has been conducted in the context of a region in Northern Norway where the average population rate is 4.3 persons each square kilometer. The paper suggests that, by combining reverse logistics networks with forward ones; social, economic and environmental sustainable logistics networks can be achieved. The challenges of integrating forward and reverse logistics networks in Northern Norway are discussed in the final part.

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Solvang, W. and Hakam, M. (2010) Sustainable Logistics Networks in Sparsely Populated Areas. Journal of Service Science and Management, 3, 72-77. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2010.31008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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