The “Social-Friendly Learning-Instructional Theory”


The advanced “Social-Friendly Learning-Instructional Theory” (ST) is based on (and employs use of): 1) the Mebir innate response, and on 2) “The Peaceful Composure Theorem” (PCT) that shows humans to be loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive. (PCT) is derived from a) two new theories of evolution, b) the study of the egalitarianism of nomadic hunters and gatherer society, and c) the common bottlenose dolphins peaceful composure between conspecifics and unique exceptional evolutionary freedom.

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Rose, N. (2023) The “Social-Friendly Learning-Instructional Theory”. Creative Education, 14, 578-606. doi: 10.4236/ce.2023.143040.

1. Introduction

ST is the most important learning-instructional theory

1) From evidence for its’ greater effectiveness,

a) From the evidence for the Mebir of improvements in effectiveness of behaviour (including learning) from a friendly greeting (Rose, 2022) . The Mebir is also elicited from high levels of social consciousness (nations with social consciousness score high on the international PISA aptitude test), convivial interactions, non-secular spirituality i.e., an ability to love (in communist and socialist nations), and topics with creative works of human interest.

The Mebir explains why cooperative learning tends to be effective. If cooperative learning is accompanied with topics and creative works of human interest it will, as inferred, more consistently improve learning. Students benefit from a cooperative thesis (from improved learning, intellectualizing, and problem-solving skills).

b) From the peaceful composure theorem suggesting ST is in harmony with human nature.

c) Finland scoring high on the PISA aptitude test without use of standardized (memorization based) testing. Though standardized testing is not an extraneous variable for determining why Finland has high PISA scores it is for nations with high PISA scores, standardized testing and a high level of social consciousness.

d) With topics and creative works of human-interest teachers can gauge their teaching skills.

e) I had amazing results with topics and creative works of human interest in (PR) China.

2) Because ST has more kinds of (effective) teaching methodologies than the social interdependence theory, including:

a) The prioritization of ST methods over social conditioning to engage students.

b) The good students and the teacher provide individualized attention.

c) Testing all aspects of student ability, but students are tested once on an ability to memorize, (providing time for activities that promote intellectualizing (see # (4))).

d) Lesson to improve intellectualizing, including: i) a student learning and using the scientific method, ii) writing user-friendly computer programs for cultural development, iii) a cooperative thesis, and for children, iv) from students engaging in logical deductions from analysing the components of a collection, and inferring the best way something is done, and v) with use of the jigsaw approach (each student researches a section of a “research project”; the class then combines their individual efforts).

e) Students learn why a rule exists (a ST method), with ST methods. Classroom disruption is reduced from exhibiting a student’s bibliography, photograph, and video for the class, parents and administration to review.

3) Owing to gquic psychology (see footnote 1)1 and ST each being based on 1. the Mebir innate response (Rose, 2022) and 2. the peaceful composure theorem, the use of ST promotes the (more effective, speedier and less disruptive) gquic psychology. Gquic psychology is critical for solving global (human health and safety) problems and for sustainable world peace (i.e., for an effective United Nations), managing discrimination, and raising social consciousness (in capitalist nations).

4) Unlike the other teaching theories ST is based on two mechanisms that make it more effective, 1. the Mebir innate response and 2. ST being in harmony with human nature (following the peaceful composure theorem, (for a description of the peaceful composure theorem see Sections 1.2 and 4)).

2. The “Social-Friendly Learning-Instructional Theory” (ST) Is the Most Important Teaching Theory from Being More Effective and Having More Kinds of Effective Methods

The advanced “Social-Friendly, Learning-Instructional Theory” (ST) unlike other teaching theories is based on: 1) the peaceful composure theorem, see Sections 1.2 and 4, which shows that humans are loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive (Rose, 2022) , and employs use of, and is based on 2) the Mebir innate response.2 The Mebir is the mechanism making ST more effective. The peaceful composure theorem # (1) is derived from two new theories of evolution, see Section 3, the study of the egalitarianism of nomadic hunters and gatherer society, and the common bottlenose dolphins peaceful composure between conspecifics and unique exceptional evolutionary freedom. The drawbacks of ST include: 1) That teachers may need permission to try out ST methods, and 2) The task of thinking of, and searching for “topics and creative works of human interest”, and “creating (creative) works of human interest”3 for a class can be time consuming (until teachers begin sharing ST lesson plans). Nonetheless ST methods are of much benefit to students (especially in conjunction with topics and creative works of human interest) from their procuring preferential social skills, the fullest potential in learning, intellectualizing and problem solving, a better ability to retain the knowledge they gain see Section 1.1, #7, and brings students to enjoy their lessons more. In part, ST is based on my experiences of being a teacher at colleges and universities in (PR) China where I used (the last two semesters of my teaching in China) topics and photographs of human interest3 (a method of ST) which engaged students conscientiously for every class, which was of significance because it was in stark contrast to the use of modern textbooks, which did not engage students after the first or second class.

That ST is highly effective (as the result of the Mebir innate response) and has more kinds of (effective) methods than other “learning-instructional theories” (as the result of the peaceful composure theorem) will bring the scientific community to appreciate the importance of the peaceful composure theorem upon which ST is based, which shows that humans are loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive, and to appreciate the importance of two new theories of evolution (“The Theory of (Cultural, and) Evolutionary Freedom” and “The Freedom to Intellectualize Theory”) upon which the peaceful composure theorem is based.

For a description of these two theories of evolution see Section 3, and for a description of the peaceful composure theorem see Section 4. The two new theories of evolution and the peaceful composure theorem are described in detail in my forthcoming book on evolution and in the article on the Mebir innate response in dogs (Rose, 2022) . Whether or not teachers are allowed to use the methods of ST (described in Section 6), the testing of ST methodologies is of importance at every level of education because they have the most effective methodologies (which are more consistently effective with topics and creative works of human interest), and a greater number of effective methods from being based on the peaceful composure theorem, see Sections 1.2, and 44 and because ST is a comprehensive theory, the enlightenment for all other teaching theories, methodologies and approaches from not being based on the disproven concept of natural selection, but instead on the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir, ST having the most effective methodologies (which are more consistently effective with topics and creative works of human interest), and a greater number of effective methods from being based on the peaceful composure theorem. Though creative topics and illustrations are used in class today, a creative lesson not of human interest (footnote 1) will not as effectively engage students as a creative ST lesson of human interest. The greater effectiveness of student learning with ST methods (described in Section 1.1) (as a result of the Mebir) and the evidence for improved learning in dogs when social with people (from the Mebir (Rose, 2022) ) suggests that sociality improves the effectiveness of learning for the other social learning-instructional theories, and social-learning approaches, including 1) Vygotsky’s “Social Development Theory” (Daniels et al., 2001) , which states that learning in children is a socially mediated process, 2) The “Cooperative Learning” approach (Yassin, Razak & Maasum, 2018) , 3) “The Social Interdependence Theory” (Johnson & Johnson, 2009) , (researchers have found evidence that students benefit from cooperation, compared with competitive and individualistic efforts (see Section 1.1, #3)), and the Experimental Learning Theory” of David Kolb (Healey & Jenkins, 2000) which suggests that learning is mediated from experimental inquiry (I hypothesize experimental inquiry is a social experience from being a way to help others).

2.1. Fourteen Lines of Evidence for the Effectiveness of ST (the Evidence That Is More Substantial, # (1), (3) and (6) Is Indicated with Underlined, Red Numbers)

Evidence for social-friendly interactions benefiting learning (the evidence for the effectiveness of ST) comes from:

1) Evidence for the Mebir innate response of an improvement in the effectiveness of behaviour in dogs (including improved learning) from a friendly greeting, (Rose, 2022) (for a description of the Mebir see footnote 1), (in humans, the sign stimulus can be friendly eye contact, a high level of social consciousness, and convivial behaviours in general, (that capitalists use in a manipulative way for profit gain)). The many kinds of Mebir innate responses of dogs to a friendly greeting suggests that besides ST methods directly improving learning (ST methods can be thought of as a kind of a friendly greeting), ST methods are of importance to learning in other ways. The kinds of innate responses in dogs include improvements in: a) sociality, b) creativeness, c) curiosity, d) learning, e) playfulness, f) physical activity (physical strength and agility), g) exploration, and possibly, h) improved concentration. The Mebir is the mechanism that makes ST methods (and gquic psychology, see footnote (5) more effective). 2) A logical deduction of the benefits of a cooperative learning (the jigsaw approach, see # (4)) to children. As inferred, cooperative learning in children (with topics and creative works of human interest) promotes learning from a) Students giving, receiving and reinforcing important, relevant knowledge, b) The pooling of knowledge, c) Students receiving greater feedback which increases understanding, including from the clarification of concepts. 3) The evidence for the social independence theory. “Hundreds of studies have been conducted indicating that cooperation, compared with competitive and individualistic efforts tends to result in higher achievement and productivity, more positive interpersonal relationships, and greater psychological health” (Johnson & Johnson, 2008) . 4) It is relatively easy to test for the effectiveness of ‘topics, and creative works of human interest’ on learning, inferred from: a) the textbook I wrote for my spoken English classes in China which used topics and photographs of human interest held student interest. This was in stark contrast with the three modern text books I used (each from different nation) that ceased engaging students after the first of second class, b) topics of human interest are seldom used in capitalist society and in education, but interested my students, despite that they have a high level of social consciousness (have frequent Mebir innate responses), and c) only a glance at an illustration of human interest seems to elicit the Mebir innate response (personal observation). I hypothesize that the study of cooperative learning on learning is not as consistently effective as the study of “topics and creative works of human interest” because in the study of cooperative learning “a deficiency of sociality or a surplus of it” is apt to dramatically affect the outcome of a trial, and because topics of human interest were of interest to students with a high level of social consciousness (to my Chinese students). Researchers have studied the effect of the Jigsaw (social) teaching approach on learning in children (the Jigsaw approach breaks a class into groups, each subgroup investigates a subtopic of a certain topic, and then all the groups meet to synthesize the knowledge each group had gained) (Perkins & Tagler, 2011) . The Jigsaw approach is not always effective (Bratt, 2008; Hänze & Berger, 2007) . As inferred, if topics and creative works of human interest (footnote 2) are used with the Jigsaw approach this will make the Jigsaw approach more consistently effective, (for examples of creative works of human interest see Figures 1-16). I hypothesize the Jigsaw approach will be minimally effective in a nation with a high level of social consciousness from students already frequently undergoing the Mebir. The research that was donefor which the jigsaw approach had aneutral effect onlearning in the Netherlands but a positive effect on learning in US may suggest this (Hackett et al., 2023) . 5) Nations associated with a high level of social consciousness has scored higher on the international student PISA aptitude test (Rose, 2022) . 6) ST, from being based on the peaceful composure theorem (which shows humans to be loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive) has a greater number of methodologies available to the teacher over the other learning-teaching theories (including over the other the social learning theories). For example, (following the peaceful composure theorem), ST has these unique methodologies. For a description of the peaceful composure theorem see Section 4, a) Topics and creative works of human interest, (see footnote 2). For examples of creative works of human interest see Figures 1-16, b) individualized attention (the students can provide individualized attention to the poorer students), c) assessment of all aspects of a student’s ability through testing, (rather than focusing on a student’s ability to memorize). This kind of testing is unlike other kinds of testing, even in Finland, Finland minimizes testing students. According to the peaceful composure theorem assessment of student ability (but not broadcasting a student’s weaknesses and talents), will help students with i) an awakening, an exploration of what the student would like to learn about academically and creatively, and ii) can be an investigation of the possibilities for a career and creative endeavours. d) If the best way to overcome boredom is with gquic social creativity (in the arts), social creativity in the arts may only be possible in ideal government community of a communist or socialist nation where there is comprehensive equal distribution of the wealth, e) ensuring students “have the time to be” and requiring students “to try and be” i) curious, ii) explorative, iii) creative and/or iv) inventive when organizing and outlining their cooperative thesis. Their curious, explorative, creative and inventive behaviours can be video recorded with the student’s permission, when students are organizing and outlining their cooperative thesis socially, for the teacher to learn about a student’s personality, and social and thinking skills. For the written part of the cooperative thesis, each student’s contribution can be a different shade of colour. f) Management of class disruption can be implemented from explaining why a rule exists (a ST method), with ST methodology. Also teachers can display each student’s experiences, interests, personality traits, photograph, resume, and video for the class, teachers, administration and parents to learn from, that will give students a lasting sense of identity and a feeling of self-worth. g) Students learn how to resolve conflicts with ST methods, see Section 6, # (8), without students using coercion, or acts of aggression or dominance.

2.2. Introduction to the Peaceful Composure Theorem

Besides evidence for the peaceful composure theorem (that humans are loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive) from: 1) two new theories of evolution, see Section 3, 2) the study of the egalitarianism of nomadic hunters and gatherer society, and 3) comparative behavioral ecology between the common bottlenose dolphin and other vertebrate species,5 the (refuted) concept of natural selection has an extraneous variable, i.e., evolution without selection, whereas the two new theories of evolution (which show that species evolve as a function of species culture and evolutionary freedom) do not have, due to there being evidence that species evolve without selection occurring in the (kinds of) ways they are known to evolve. The evolution of an improvement in fitness occurs from the manifestation of heritable safety characteristics (as mutations). Selection is not needed for evolution to proceed for thevarious kinds of evolutionary processes which occur, see Section 3. Even complex characteristics crucial to survival can evolve without selection, e.g., as function of specialization, including the lungs and circulatory system of mammals. Another line of evidence for evolution without selection is how an ability to reason (and higher intelligence in apes and the elephant) are shown to evolve, as a function of sexual preferences and evolutionary freedom, see Section 3.

The Social-Friendly Learning-Instructional Theory, The Two (New) Theories of Evolution, Gquic Psychology, and the Discovery of the Mebir Innate Response are Pivotal, Unprecedented, and Outstanding Scientific Discoveries

That ST (based on the peaceful composure theorem, see Section 4, and the Mebir (footnote 1)) is more effective will make gquic psychology (footnote 5) (which is also based on the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir) better known as being a more effective means to solve societal problems and resolve conflict, so as to not be banned from use in capitalist nations. Theretofore, this article is not only important for the scientific community accepting: 1) the two new theories of evolution, see Section 3, 2) the peaceful composure theorem, see Section 4, 3) the Mebir (footnote 1), and 4) the unique exceptional evolutionary freedom and peaceful composure between conspecifics of the common bottlenose dolphin, see Section 3, #2, # (9), it is also important, (due to global conservativism from the advent of the global economy, and the possible mind- reading from the secret police of capitalist nations), for showing that gquic psychology is pivotal for raising social consciousness, bringing about a good social welfare system, managing discrimination, and for establishing a new and effective United Nations (solely based on gquic psychology). With respect to the behavioural sciences, 1) the social-friendly learning-instructional theory, 2) the two theories of evolution, 3) gquic psychology, and 4) the discovery of the Mebir innate response to human society are potentially as outstanding a discovery as the discovery of penicillin to the medical sciences, in terms of the beneficial effects to society.

7) The “Social-Friendly, Learning-Instructional Theory” has been shown to improve the effectiveness of learning (from the Mebir), in dogs including improved learning (Rose, 2022) . Insomuch humans have an ability to reason, ST likely also improves an ability (for humans) to intellectualize, and there is some evidence that it improves long-term memory.6 There also scientific evidence for the greater effectiveness of ST. 8) From the inference as to the ST proactive methods available to the teacher to deal with student disruption in class, derived from the peaceful composure theorem, i.e., a) from teaching students the importance of the rules, with methods of ST, and b) displaying each student’s experiences, interests, personality traits, photograph, resume, and video to the class, their parents and the administration giving a student has a lasting sense of identity, so as to more easily make friends and feel like their ideas are of importance,

which they in fact are. 9) ST ties together all the many teaching theories, and gives the teacher a clear indication as to what aspects of each theory to use, so teachers are less dependent upon their subjective experiences to decide which educational theory to employ use of, and how much and how stringent social conditioning to employ use of (it is best to try ST methods first and to use as little social conditioning as possible). 10) With use of topics and works of art of human interest the teacher can gage as to which teaching methods are most of value. 11) Besides the aforementioned evidence for the effectiveness of ST, including the evidence for the Mebir innate response and PCT, there is evidence for ST being more effective from the direct evidence for gquic psychology being more effective (also based on the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir). For example, a) variable volume is shown to be more influential than loud banging, b) improvised classical music on a blockflöte (recorder) of a talented musician is more influential than loud threats, (personal observation), c) evidence that nomadic hunters and gathers practice gquic psychology from their society being egalitarian, their not playing competitive games, not being conflict-dominance oriented, and their sharing their food catch, and d) that the common bottlenose dolphin practices gquic psychology from letting the less robust Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin have their preferred coastal region, their three kinds of close interspecies friends, and that they have a peaceful composure between conspecifics. 12) There is convincing evidence for the effectiveness of STfrom my having been a teacher at colleges and universities in (PR) China, and having used the ST methodology (topics and creative works of human interest) which engaged students. This was of significance because this ST method was in stark contrast with the 3 modern text books I used, which did not engage students after the first of second class. 13) Though finding topics and photographs of human interest is time consuming, the result is so dramatic it is worth the extra effort.7 (For examples of creative works of human interest see Figures 1-16). With topics and works of art of human interest not only do students become engaged, the teacher does as well (from only but a topic of human interest, and a glance at an image of human interest releasing a lasting Mebir innate response in the teacher, personal observation, which indirectly, yet significantly improves student learning). 14) That Finland’s schools without standardized testing and a high level of social consciousness have high PISA international aptitude scores suggests that for nations with a high level of consciousness, competition based learning and high PISA scores, standardized testing is not the most important reason and may not even be in part the reason for high PISA scores.

3. The Theoretical Basis of ST

The peaceful composure theorem8 is derived from 1) two new theories of evolution, 2) the study of the egalitarian culture of nomadic hunters and gatherers, and 3) the common bottlenose dolphins peaceful composure between conspecifics and unique exceptional evolutionary freedom. ST is the only teaching theory based on the peaceful composure theorem, Section 4 and the Mebir innate response (Rose, 2022) , (Footnote 1). Not only are ST methods in harmony with human nature they are more effective from the Mebir innate response (Rose, 2022) , (Footnote 1). To promote learning ST prioritizes the joy of (and greater effectiveness of) social learning (over the joy of social conditioning, and the joy of dominance and submission). Perhaps the teacher being equal to students will only be possible in an experimental school of a communist or socialist nation. Individualized attention releases the Mebir in students to a high degree. Not posting student evaluations for the class to view is important to nurture the Mebir. Supporting theoretic evidence that ST (that nurturing the Mebir) is more effective to promote learning) comes from: 1) the Mebir and the freedom to intellectualize theory substantiating the social brain hypothesis (Rose, 2022) , 2) the Mebir substantiating the freedom to intellectualize theory (described in Section 3) from showing that it is the mechanism as to why sociality is correlated with higher intelligence in primates, (inferred from the social competition hypothesis not being robust (Connor et al., 2019) , and the robustness of the freedom to intellectualize theory) see Section 4, (Rose, 2022) , and 3) the evidence for the peaceful composure theorem (in part from the evidence for two new theories of evolution), see Section 3.

4. A Description of the Two New Theories of Evolution Upon Which ST Is Based

ST is based on “The Peaceful Composure Theorem” i.e., that a species with an ability to reason is loving, non-competitive, and non-aggressive, see Section 4, and the Mebir (Rose, 2022) (footnote 1). “The Peaceful Composure Theorem” is in part based on two new theories of evolution for which there is conclusive evidence, 1) “The Theory of (Cultural) and Evolutionary Freedom”, and 2) “The Freedom to Intellectualize Theory”. Both theories show that evolution is a function of evolutionary freedom and species culture, notselection (Rose, 2022) . A detailed description of these two theories is included in my forth-coming book on two new theories of evolution. As stated previously, unlike the (refuted) concept of natural selection which has an extraneous variable (i.e., evolution without selection), the two new theories of evolution do not have one. Instead of evolution being a static process, from being considered a repetitive selective process where the fittest survives, it should be thought of as a growth process, and a dynamic, interactive process, (for which selection is an unimportant biological event), like how the pas de deux of the Russian Bolshoi ballet’s, and the National Ballet of China’s “Swan Lake”, and the Swedish Slängpolska dance are interactively dynamic, in that where one of the dancers (the ecology including the environment) go, the other dancer (evolution) actively goes (without selection), i.e., the species is continuously adapting to its’ environment from the evolution of safety characteristics. As the choreographer has freedom in their interpretation of a ballet, a species has a certain degree of cultural and evolutionary freedom to manifest species culture (not crucial to survival), elaborate characteristics, safety characteristics and alternate characteristics. It is more complex a relationship than this between the environment (a species’ ecology) and evolution because a species tends to be better fit than necessary from having evolved safety characteristics, this lessens the probability of extinction, and certain aspects of the species’ ecology restrict while others provide greater (cultural and) evolutionary freedom. The evidence for each of the two theories of evolution provides evidence for the other. With respect to the evidence for:

1) “The Theory of (Cultural and) Evolutionary Freedom”, which shows that evolution is a function of species culture and evolutionary freedom, (not selection), in part evidencecomes from a) species with exceptional and restricted cultural and evolutionary freedom evolving in characteristic ways, b) the inferred waycertain kinds of complex characteristics evolve, which, in order to be functional, the individual parts must evolve independently, and then later act together synergistically to be functional, including the lungs, and the circulatory, lymph, and nervous system of vertebrates, and c) evidence for the various kinds of characteristics not crucial to survival which evolve, including safety characteristics which improve fitness, and elaborate characteristics which do not (these provide a convincing line of evidence for the existence of heritable species culture (species culture is not crucial to survival), and an important line of evidence for the concept that species have variable (cultural and) evolutionary freedom (between species)).

2) With respect to the evidence for “The Freedom to Intellectualize Theory” (upon which the peaceful composure is also based), it shows that species with exceptional evolutionary freedom evolve higher intelligence and that species with even greater evolution freedom evolve an ability to reason as a function of animal culture, not as a function of social competition. As inferred from the following facts, following the freedom to intellectualize theory, an ability to reason evolves as a function of sexual preferences as determined by a displaced innate response, e.g., an attraction to acts of compassion and therapy of an individual that inherited an ability to reason, and exceptional evolutionary freedom, including from reduced conflict between conspecifics, reduced predatory impact (reduced stress), and a friendship-favourable group composition. (It is inferred from the behavioural ecology of apes and the elephant that their higher intelligence likely also evolved as a function of sexual preferences). a) The evidence that species with higher intelligence had greater evolutionary freedom, (the freedom to intellectualize theory is more robust than the social competition theory), (Rose, 2022; Connor et al., 2019) , b) the evidence for the social brain hypothesis having been substantiated from the evidence for the Mebir innate response (Rose, 2022) , and that the freedom to intellectualize theory best explains why social predators do not seem to be any more evolved cognitively than non-social predators, i.e., from predators having had exceptional evolutionary freedom from heavy predatory impact (Rose, 2022) , c) the evidence that for some reason highly intelligent animals have not evolved an ability to reason (including both species of chimpanzee, the elephant and the gorilla, inferred from their artwork), despite that an ability to reason eventually improves fitness, d) the inference that something therefore i.e., a favourable environment, and a peaceful composure must have given hominids evolutionary freedom over apes to evolve an ability to reason as a function of sexual preferences. Inferred from Homo erectus not being good at hunting from originally not being good at running, tool making was likely not important, inferred from chimpanzees (without an ability to reason) making primitive tools, engaging in hunting and lethal aggression, but not having evolved an ability to reason (see #(c)), and inferred from few animals having a peaceful composure between conspecifics which nomadic hunters and gatherers have, and the common bottlenose dolphin have (which likely has an ability to reason (see (i)). In order for the bonobo chimpanzee species to obtain an even more peaceful composure than it has presently (from gaining greater cultural and evolutionary freedom) so as to be able to evolve an ability to reason as a function of sexual preferences, perhaps a drastic decrease in stress levels could come about (as I hypothesize, seeing as though they do not have harems) from cooperative gathering of invertebrates at the seashore, reduced predatory impact, and reduced aggressive interactions from a change in diet (away from food patchy in distribution) i.e., from a reduction of intrusions of personal space. I hypothesize that a harem mating strategy (for example of the gorilla) genetically locks out the evolution of a peaceful composure (when mating), (even with a reduction in stress from a beneficial change in the ecology), e) chimpanzees are much more agile for hunting than early Homo erectus, and apparently have not evolved an ability to reason (see #{3}), f) there was greater predatory impact from larger predators in the Savanah that would have restricted evolutionary freedom of early Homo erectus, (who originally were not good at running), g) there is evidence that sexual preferences determine the evolution of higher intelligence in apes, and can determine the evolution of heritable elaborate characteristics of those species with exceptional (cultural and) evolutionary freedom, h) there is evidence for the existence of heritable culture not crucial to survival, e.g., from the evidence for heritable elaborate characteristics. The ability to reason is originally a kind of animal culture (following the freedom to intellectualize theory), from evolving as a function of sexual preferences, i) further evidence that sexual preference and reduced conflict between conspecifics is important to the evolution of an ability to reason (besides most species not having an egalitarian society), includes the evidence that the common bottlenose dolphin likely has an ability to reason and have a comparatively peaceful composure between conspecifics. In part, it is inferred they have an ability to reason following the freedom to intellectualize theory from i) their unique exceptional evolutionary freedom, ii) that their ability to reason would not be crucial to their survival, (deduced from comparative behavioural ecology), and iii) the evidence for their peaceful composure between conspecifics from a long-term study of their behavioural ecology and their kinds of three close interspecies friendships,9 j) there is some evidence that reduced predatory impact (reduced stress levels) are important to the evolution of an ability to reason from comparative common bottlenose dolphin-delphinid behavioural ecology in my forthcoming book on two new theories of evolution.

Other Factors that Provide Evolutionary Freedom

Besides the aforementioned evidence for the ability to reason being a function ofsexual preferences, (a displaced innate response, for example from attraction to intentional acts of therapy and compassion from easing boredom), reduced conflict between conspecifics, and reduced predatory impact, there is convincing evidence for it also being a function of k) a friendship-favouable group composition with opportunities of avoidance of conflict (from the unique behavioural ecology of the common bottlenose dolphin), (and likely is a function of l) exceptional creative abilities, (from more refined sexual preferences) and m) eye contact (I cite references which show that the most social primates exhibit eye contact and have a greater degree of intelligence in my forth-coming book on two new theories of evolution). n) Seeing as though there is some evidence that cooperative behaviour reduces stress between conspecifics, and both nomadic hunters and gatherers and the common bottlenose dolphins engage in cooperative behaviour, cooperative behaviours likely provided humans and the common bottlenose dolphin with (cultural and) evolutionary freedom (from reduced stress) to evolve an ability to reason. Similarly, cooperative learning (a cooperative thesis) provides students with cultural freedom, i.e., cognitive freedom to learn.

Exceptional evolutionary freedom from predation is a prerequisite for the evolution of higher intelligence because like play behaviour the behaviours of higher intelligence attracts predators and distract a species from being on the lookout for predators. There is convincing evidence that primates and the elephant evolved higher intelligence as a function of sexual preferences, for higher quality social interaction. The Mebir provides social species with evolutionary freedom to evolve higher intelligence. The evolution of higher intelligence may or may not at times be a function of the evolution of safety characteristics (high enough improvements in fitness) and evolutionary freedom. In certain populations, regions or species, it is likely a function of a favourable environment, and/or elaborate defensive mechanisms, and in certain instances, robustness. As stated previously, the freedom to intellectualize theory is more robust than the social competition theory (Rose, 2022; Connor et al., 2019) , suggesting that higher intelligence (and an ability to reason) did not evolve as a function of social competition.

5. The Peaceful Composure Theorem Upon Which the ST (and Gquic Psychology) Are Based

Evidence for the peaceful composure theorem, that humans are loving, non- competitive and non-aggressive (Rose, 2022) comes from three lines of evidence. 1) The evidence for two new theories of evolution which show that evolution is a function of evolutionary freedom and species culture, not selection (with respect to the evolution of improvements in fitness, it is shown to be a function of a heritable mutation that results in a safety characteristics not crucial to survival). Even characteristics crucial to survival can evolve from a safety characteristic without selection, for example, via specialization. Selection is shown to be an unimportant to evolution, insignificant to society biological event, because evolution is not dependent upon selection to unfold, and because every kind of evolutionary processes is shown to occur without selection occurring. For example, an ability to reason is shown to evolve as a function of sexual preferences, see Section 4, and complex systems such as the lungs, circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems are shown to evolve without selection occurring, as “liaison” or “wanderlust-like” characteristics, that are not functional until the parts work synergistically together. There is also evidence for the peaceful composure theorem 2) from the study of the egalitarianism of nomadic hunters and gatherer society, (those with the greatest cultural freedom are more egalitarian) and, 3) (following the freedom to intellectualize theory), there is evidence for the peaceful composure theorem from the common bottlenose dolphins peaceful composure between conspecifics and their likely having an ability to reason, inferred from a) their unique exceptional evolutionary freedom (their ecology), b) evidence for their peaceful composure between conspecifics, from their behavioural ecology and their kinds of their three close interspecies friends (see footnote 8), c) that their ability to reason would not be crucial to their survival, (deduced from comparative behavioural ecology), and d) that they have a complex, interactive song between conspecifics that is in line with their having evolved an ability to reason.

6. A High Level of Social Consciousness Ought to Be Idealized for Appropriate Societal Development

A societywith a high level of social consciousness is more favourable to learning (including ST methods of learning) from the Mebir being more frequently elicited. A society with non-secular spiritualty (an ability to love) (which communist and socialist nations have) is most favourable to learning (including ST methods of learning). Nations with a low level of social consciousness are reluctant to except, (personal observation): 1) the peaceful composure theorem, see Section 4, (in part derived from two new theories of evolution, see Section 3), which shows that humans are loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive (suggesting that ST methods and gquic psychology ought not be banned), 2) ST methods, see Section 6, and 3) Gquic psychology methods (footnote 5). (Both ST and gquic psychology are based on the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir innate response. Gquic psychology prioritizes using education and the Mebir before resorting to social conditioning). One major reason why nations with a low level of social consciousness are reluctant to accept 1 - 3 is that: Capitalism has become popularized from the advent of the global (capitalist) economy and from the (possible) capitalist secret police mind-reading of influential people. Insomuch gquic psychology (footnote 5) and Darwinian psychology (based on the (refuted) concept of natural selection) are not mutually exclusive in the same society, (there is evidence for this in communist and socialist nations, personal observation), and businesspeople commonly use the Mebir extensively to make a sell with commercial advertising, the use of ST methodology (the use of the Mebir) ought not be banned in education, and gquic psychology (footnote 5) (which utilizes the Mebir to be more effective) ought not be banned from use to solve societal problems. Luckily there is a way to turn scholars and the masses on to the importance of gquic psychology, and the “social-friendly learning-instructional theory” other than from providing the scientific facts and logic (of this article) to show they are more effective, see Sections 1 - 4, (the evidence they are more effective includes the evidence for the peaceful composure theorem, see Section 4, and evidence for the Mebir innate response (Rose, 2022) ), and that is to actively help to raise social consciousness (in nations with a low level of social consciousness). Seeing as though gquic psychology methods are more effective and less disruptive than Darwinian psychology methods gquic psychology methods ought to be tried to raise social consciousness globally. Raising social consciousness is not only important for the establishment of a good social welfare system (in capitalist nations), it may be also be needed for teachers to utilize ST methods in class. The following government programs and research in education is proposed to help raise social consciousness globally: 1) socialized medicine in United States, the only developed nation without socialized medicine, 2) socialized education, 3) low-cost housing for the poor in capitalist nations, 4) a new United Nations based only on gquic psychology to better solve global environmental problems and for sustainable world peace, 5) a program to better deal with discrimination (with gquic psychology methods, e.g., those who discriminate are rehabilitated from working alongside the best of the race they discriminated against), 6) showing that ST is more effective from testing the effectiveness of topics and creative works of human interest, experimentally (which is easily done, see Section 1.1, # (3)), 7) a “Beggar’s Banquet”, and (in Christian nations) a “Poor-man’s Christmas” event to show that the poor are good workers with gquic psychology, 8) a volunteer tax scheme to fund programs 1 - 8 sustainably. With respect to the ST classroom in capitalist nations it would be helpful if teachers were to have a high level of social consciousness and are allowed to turn students onto the importance of having a high level of social consciousness (to society and education).

7. The Social-Friendly Teaching Methods

The social-friendly teaching methods (including topics and creative works

of human interest (footnote 2), the effect of topics and creative works on learning can be easily tested (footnote 3)), have a sound basis in science, see Section 1.1, and a sound theoretical basis, see Sections 2 - 3. ST teaching methods are used today, 1) in nations with a high level of social consciousness, from a high level of social consciousness eliciting the Mebir (Rose, 2022) , 2) experimental learning is used in graduate schools, 3) corporal punishment is not permitted in public schools in Norway and Sweden and the majority of states in US (California Corporal Punishment in Public Schools Laws, 2016) , 4) social experimental learning is used in the Reggio Amelia schools for children (Edwards et al., 2011) , 5) Finland has high scores on the International PISA student aptitude tests, a high level of social consciousness, and uses cooperative learning (Halinen & Järvinen, 2008) which (with topics of human interest) benefits student learning (from bringing the Mebir to be more frequently elicited). Finland also “has no mandated standardized tests, apart from one exam at the end of students’ senior year in high school. There are no rankings, no comparisons or competition between students, schools or regions)” (Hancock, 2011) , and 6) schools with a high level of social consciousness including (PR) China have done well on the PISA international aptitude test (Rose, 2022) . Thus teachers have a basis for asking permission to try out ST methods. A nation with a high level of social consciousness can likely more freely experiment with ST methods. ST is most in harmony with a communist or a socialist government where the masses are free to love and be loved.

Some of the ST methods from Section 1.1, # (6) and from Section 6 that a teacher can propose and try out include

1) Assessment of all aspects of student ability, however the ability to memorize is only tested once.

2) Individualized attention (for example from the good students helping the poorer students learn).

3) Ensuring students “have the time to be” and requiring students “to try and be” a) curious, b) explorative, c) creative and/or d) inventive when organizing and outlining their cooperative thesis (socially), see Section 1.1, # (6) (recorded on video with the student’s permission).

4) Management of class disruption from explaining why a rule exists (with use of ST methods), and displaying a student’s experiences, interests, personality traits, photograph, resume, and video for the class, teachers, the administration, and parents to learn from, giving students a lasting sense of identity and self- worth.

5) Having students memorize what they can easily memorize. In place of memorizing students engage in intellectual pursuits, (e.g., a) in using the scientific method, b) learning to communicate from explaining what their thesis or creative work is about, c) formulating user-friendly instructions, d) writing computer programs for cultural development, e) learning to be creative from someone talented, f) learning consensus decision making process with computer software, and a written debate with cited references, and g) making logical deductions, for example from analyzing the best way of doing something, and from analyzing the components of their collections.

6) A student explains their thesis or creative work, to the class which elicits the Mebir in both the speaker and audience, supplemented with a handout (complete with pertinent information, citations and the lecturing student’s contact information for questions, a method of ST).

7) The use of topics and creative works of human interest (see footnote 2) in a lecture.

8) Helping students to learn to resolve (domestic, civil, political and academic) conflict with use of scientific method, cited references, an analysis of the pluses and minuses of each side of an issue, and an open written debate with cited references, in contrast with the idealization of conflict, competition, arguing, advertising and manipulation to solve societal problems (idealized from the refuted concept of natural selection).

ST methods release the Mebir in ways that are in harmony with humans being loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive. If teachers pool their topics, lessons, and creative works of human interest (see footnote 2) this will reduce the time spent preparing ST lessons. For examples of topics and creative works of human interest from different fields of study see Figures 1-16. Having an interesting guest speaker will make class interesting from eliciting the Mebir, as does a cooperative thesis. These ST methods are most appropriate with topics and creative works of human interest (Footnote 2). Children from a nation with a high level of social consciousness may only benefit from social learning with use of topics and creative works of human interest, from their already commonly undergoing the Mebir innate response. Children from a nation with a low level of social consciousness likely will only be interested in topics of human interest when used together with creative works of human interest.

People who use ST methods can become victims of discrimination from those who promote social conditioning aggressively (which is not an uncommon occurrence). People who practice self-initiated unkindness (who discriminate) should be regarded as a kind of a cult, who are doing something against human nature. People who discriminate should learn about 1) the evidence for the peaceful composure theorem, and the Mebir innate response, 2) that the concept of natural selection is disproven, see Section 3, and has an extraneous variable, that species evolve without selection, and 3) that the two new theories of evolution do not have an extraneous variable. They also need to be rehabilitated from learning about the importance of gquic psychology and ST teaching methodology, which is shown to be more effective. Nonetheless, Darwinian psychology, and social conditioning cannot be forsaken in any nation because there is an unequal distribution of the wealth in the world.

Figure 1. Students can get to know each other on a field trip (an ST method). A field trip at the beginning of a term will improve the quality of the student’s Mebir in class, cooperative thesis, and ability to learn.

Figure 2. Students like to explain something of importance. Having students explain what their creative work or thesis is about is an ST method that releases the Mebir in both the explainer (the giver) and the audience (the receiver).

Figure 3. Alternative characteristics are of human interest from suggesting that species have evolutionary freedom. Plume moths have wings of plumes, an alternative and possibly less fit wing suggesting that non-plume moths may be better fit than necessary. Photographer: Nigel Voaden.

Figure 4. Another topic of human interest in the natural sciences. Why is the honey bee’s communication system so much more complex than the hover flies, when they both consume flower nectar and the hover fly looks better fit physically?

Figure 5. Alternative characteristics are of human interest from suggesting that species have evolutionary freedom. A wallaby mother has a baby in its pouch. Hopping as a form of mobility could be, and the pouch for a baby to grow and nurse in (of marsupials) is likely a kind of alternative characteristics.

Figure 6. The common Bottnose dolphin’s ability to turn its neck provides it with cultural and evolutionary freedom which most other delphinids do not have.

Figure 7. A photograph of species that are going extinct, and an explanation as to why is of human interest. Polar bears are an endangered species because they rely on sea ice to catch their prey, which is melting from global warming.

Figure 8. A topic of human interest for a physics class. How large should attractive lattice beams be to hold up solar panels safely (when there is a strong wind)?

Figure 9. Photographs of people cooperating at doing something inspires students to work on their cooperative thesis.

Figure 10. A topic of human interest for a physics class. How many solar panels are needed in the Gobi and Sahara to provide a nation with all its energy needs?

Figure 11. A topic of human interest for statistics class. are cooperative restaurants more cost effective and do the members like working once every two years? Can workers follow user-friendly recipes to cook from? (The teacher can provide unreal data).

Figure 12. In a statistics class, each student can be assigned to learn and teach about a certain statistical test. Individualized attention from the good students helping the poorer students can also help students to be proficient at statistics.

Figure 13. A painting of people cooperating can inspire students to do a cooperative thesis. They are Growing Up. Song Xianzhen. 1964. National Art Museum of China, Beijing, (PR) China.

Figure 14. It is of human interest to learn that species with infrequent aggressive interactions between conspecifics have cultural and evolutionary freedom. This painting and considering whether one of the birds is being aggressive, and why it would be, makes the topic of the the effect of evolutionary freedom (ecology) on aggression interesting.

Figure 15. I hypothesize that a sensual place in nature can elicit a Mebir-like innate response in animals. For example, birds sing excitably in the morning and after a rainstorm. This painting may inspire students to study, from their imagining the girl is having a Mebir-like experience. Growing Up. Liu Shiguo. 1980. National Art Museum of China, Beijing, (PR) China. I photo-edited the head of the woman to improve an appreciation for the beauty of the painting (those who cannot appreciate artwork that does not look like commercial art, in being done in a realistic style will otherwise be turned off by this beautiful painting, that releases the Mebir innate response).

Figure 16. This painting can inspire students to intellectualize about the consequences of global warming. The south of the Yangtze river after snow 2. Shen Xinggong. 2007. National Art Museum of China, Beijing, (PR) China. Photograph of this painting has been photo-edited slightly.

Figures 1-16 provide examples of topics and illustrations of human interest (footnote 2) which elicit the Mebir (footnote 1). Figure 1 and Figure 2, Figure 4 and Figure 5 and Figures 7-12 are from Pixabay platform, Figure 6 is from the Unsplash platform, paintings 13 - 16 are from the National Art Museum of (PR) China, Beijing, Figure 3 is from of Nigel Voaden.

For natural science classes the following topic elicit the Mebir, 1) How the following provide cultural and evolutionary freedom, the ecology, behavioural ecology, low predatory impact, camouflaging, an abundance of a food source, a friendship favourable group composition, reduced stress, and sociality (the Mebir), 2) how the Mebir substantiates the social brain hypothesis, and the freedom to intellectualize theory, 3) how a high level of social consciousness provides cultural freedom to a nation, and 4) how a peaceful composure and sexual preferences provided cultural and evolutionary freedom to hominids and the common bottlenose dolphin.

The honeybee (Figure 4) has a stinger but “the hover fly” (Figure 4) does not. The “hover fly” species mimics the appearance of the barred abdomen of the honey bee as a kind of predatory defence (that improves fitness, reduces the mortality rate high enough so as to not go vestigial). Flies, including ‘the hover fly’ have only one set of wings. However, most flying insects including the honeybee have two sets of wings. Insomuch this hover fly species and the honeybee having a similar ecology, it seems like they have evolved alternate wing characteristics. This difference may have evolved from flies not needing to use the second wing from their second wings not improving fitness high enough. This species of hover fly in Figure 4 looks better fit than the honey bee, in terms of it having larger wings for its body size. Hover flies consume the same kinds of food as the honeybee, flower nectar. A natural sciences teacher can ask students the following thought provoking question of human interest to promote students to engage in deductive reasoning: why did the honeybee which is a social species, and lives in a nest, but is less fit looking, have greater evolutionary freedom to evolve a complex bee dance behaviour to communicate to other honey bees (the distance away of a good food resource, and its’ direction)? Hints: bees do not only consume flower nectar, they also consume honey which they produce and store away in their hive. Their highly complex communication system likely did not evolve as a function of sexual preferences.

An example of a lesson of human interest to students in the natural sciences, that can bring students to consider how species can have restricted and exceptional evolutionary freedom, i.e., how marsupials have restricted evolutionary freedom in how they raise their young, that the ability of a large mammal (the kangaroo and wallaby) to hop as a form of mobility may be a kind of alternative characteristics, and the different way marsupials raise their young is likely an alternative characteristic.

The kangaroo and wallaby are marsupial species. They have a pouchre productive system. The kangaroo’s pouch helps to provide the young with protection, increasing the probability of the survival of the young. The placenta reproductive versus the marsupial reproductive system (with a pouch) may simply be an alternative reproductive strategy, that evolved from mammals having evolutionary freedom to evolve in different ways. Kangaroos hop about the same speed as ungulates (the hoofed animals). The kangaroo’s ability to hop may have evolved from improving fitness, from improved predatory defence, or evolved per chance as an alternative characteristic. Generally, placental animals have outcompeted marsupials on every continent except for perhaps Australia. Perhaps the marsupials did not do as well as placenta mammals because the foetus is more likely to undergo some kind of a tragic event when making the journey from the womb to the mother marsupial’s pouch.

An example of a lesson of human interest to students in the natural sciences, that can bring students to consider how species can have restricted and exceptional evolutionary freedom.

The common bottlenose dolphin has the ability to turn its head to the side to have a better look around. How might this improve fitness and how might this improve social interactions? Other dolphin species with a comparable predatory impact have not evolved the ability to turn the head, except the beluga whale, suggesting that the ability to turn the head to the side is not crucial to the common bottlenose dolphin’s survival.

Topics and creative works of human interest (a kind of ST methodology) elicit the Mebir (for a description of the Mebir see footnote 1) in a way which is in harmony with humans being loving, non-competitive and non-aggressive, (which do not promote invested interests, self-initiated unkindness, commercialism, nor rugged individualism). In order for certain kinds of topics and sensual creative works (not of human interest) to be of human interest (so as to release the Mebir) they need to be accompanied with a written passage that promotes a high level of social consciousness. Insomuch the Mebir substantuates the social brain hypothesis (Rose, 2022) this suggests that the Mebir provides cultural and evolutionary freedom (Rose, 2022) in turn suggesting that ST methods are more effective. From Figures 1-16 eliciting the Mebir the reader gains an understanding for how the Mebir can be elicited in class, so as to improve learning, with topics and creative works of human interest. I imagine that 1) gquic (state) music of China and Vietnam (of human interest, which I have heard), played for only a minute in class, 2) a bouquet of wild flowers, 3) a one minute video of the government workers of China and Vietnam (personal observation), and 4) gquic works of art of human interest when accompanied with a topic of human interest are highly effective in eliciting the Mebir innate response.

Some of the ST methods which elicit the Mebir, which other theories do not utilize include: 1) nurturing a high level of social consciousness, 2) inclusion of topics of human interest, (in capitalist nations, topics of human interest need to be accompanied with creative works of art of human interest so that students become interested in topics of human interest, (for examples of topics and creative works of human interest see Figures 1-16, 3) experimental learning, 4) a cooperative thesis, and 5) Individualized attention.

8. ST in Comparison with the Other Theories of Education

Other theories of education are more limited in effectiveness than ST from being deficient in prioritizing the use of the Mebir, and/or from not including all the ways social interactions can elicit the Mebir, per the peaceful composure theorem, (including: Vygotsky’s “Social Development Theory” (Daniels et al., 2001) , “The Social Interdependence Theory” (Johnson & Johnson, 2009) , “The Experimental Learning Theory” of David Kolb (Healey & Jenkins, 2000) , and the cognitive and behavioural theories).

Pedagogy students of pre-school education are confronted with many theories and subjectively choose which theories and methods they care to utilize. Many teachers idealize social conditioning and punishment from having been taught to idealize these from their parents. With the proof of the peaceful composure theorem, supporting evidence that children can love and be loved (before age 1) (Liddle, Bradley & Mcgrath, 2015) , (and as young as 3 months) (Davidov, Paz, Roth-Hanania, Uzefovsky, Orlitsky, Mankuta & Zahn-Waxler, 2020) , and with the discovery of the Mebir innate response (Rose, 2022) , teachers will be able to easily determine the methods of each theory that are worth trying out, for each situation. From applying ST and Vygotsky’s scaffolding approach (a kind of social-friendly teaching method) to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, see next Section, teachers will know how to direct their energy at every age level. If a school’s administration allows, the following activities can improve learning in all nations (with topics and creative work of human interest), from increasing the incidences of the Mebir 1) Classical conditioning (rewards and punishment) can be forsaken for motivating students to learn and in its’ place the teacher can use enjoyable, more effective ST methods, see Section 6. To curtail disruption, gquic psychology can be tried first, as described in Section 1.1, # (6), #6. 2) The good students can help the poorer students learn, this activity is in harmony with human nature. 3) A cooperative thesis will help students learn a topic well, learn social skills, will improve their ability to intellectualize, while at the same time, improving their long-term memory of the knowledge they gain. (The cooperative thesis is described in Section 8).10 4) Students can verbally explain what their thesis and creative work is about to another student, to a group, or, if it is of considerable interest, to the class.

Applying Vygotsky’s Concept of Scaffolding to Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

From birth to age 2, children can be introduced to various sensory-motor experiences, including to the various kinds of (gquic) creative works there are (of human interest), including gquic visual arts, to sculptures and paintings, the various genres of music, and to the performing arts (the best is from communist and socialist nations). For the definition of what is of human interest see footnote 2. Even in capitalist nations, where the people cannot love and be loved due to capitalism not being in harmony with human nature, (from an exploitive system of government), children should be treated as though they can perceive and appreciate sharing, and caring for the other, unless they clearly cannot share and care for others, for whatever reason. Regardless, it is best if topics in class are of human interest (see footnote 2) and are accompanied with creative works of human interest, which all students can benefit from (for examples of creative works of human interest see Figures 1-16). From ages 2 - 7 (from this age group beginning to attend to symbols) children can benefit from being introduced to there being two kinds of symbols and humor, those of human interest and those that are not. They can also practice communicating their experiences, ideas and how to ask for something, how to reply to a question, and how to explain something. In capitalist nations, they can practice these skills without self-initiated unkindness (in communist and socialist nations people already interact in caring friendly ways so do not need to practice this). At this age children also have an imagination so can be taught that an imagination is something to be valued, because the human imagination brings about inventions, computer software, and scientific discoveries. For example, the teacher introduce children to the amazing invention of a sewing machine, and a book, and can help children invent something, and to formulate a hypothesis, based on their observations and collections. From ages 7 - 11 from being more cognitively developed, children can benefit from being introduced to the scientific method and the various fields of study and professions, to see what fields of study and professions they may want to explore further. This would be a good age to introduce social experimentation (and social creativity, if allowed). From ages 12 and up Children can learn the skill of deductive reasoning in determining the best ways of doing something, an analysis of their collections and from doing a cooperative thesis.

9. Conclusion

Teachers may need permission to try out ST methods (including to try out topics and creative works of human interest) and ST lessons can take more time to prepare. Nonetheless ST methods release the Mebir i.e. help students learn, intellectualize, and develop social and problem solving skills. ST methods also help raise social consciousness from being highly effective and being based on the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir innate response. ST methods are enjoyable (for students and the teacher (personal observation)) from the Mebir innate response being associated with enjoyment (Rose, 2022) . The many benefits of a cooperative thesis include improved learning from the Mebir innate response, students benefiting from the pooling of knowledge and gaining the skill of analysing and synthesizing information from analysing and synthesizing the content of their combined thesis, and the skill of performing deductive reasoning from engaging in deductive reasoning from the facts their combined thesis contains. A student’s copy of a cooperative thesis can contain (in a certain coloured font), the student’s original manuscript, deductive reasoning, and analysis and synthesis of information. Interpersonal relationships can be improved with the use of ST methods, see Section 6 and gquic psychology (footnote 5) (from the Mebir enhancing social interactions). User-friendly written instructions and ‘user-friendly video hints and tips’ on how to do something are another kind of ST method. Reader-friendly books and articles like this article are also a kind of ST method. ST does not only improve learning (Rose, 2022) it also (as inferred) improves intellectualizing, long-term memory, and (as research on the dog Mebir suggests), improves sociality, creativeness, curiosity, playfulness, physical activity, exploration, and possibly, improved concentration, which in turn can improve learning (Rose, 2022) . Unlike the other teaching theories, ST (derived from the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir) is a comprehensive theory, the enlightenment for all other teaching theories, methodologies and approaches from not being based on the disproven concept of natural selection, but instead is based on the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir, ST having the most effective methodologies (which are more consistently effective with topics and creative works of human interest), and a greater number of effective methods from being based on the peaceful composure theorem. “Topics and creative works of human interest” from easily eliciting a dramatic Mebir response, can easily be tested at every level of education. Gquic psychology (footnote 5) is also based on the peaceful composure theorem and the Mebir, pivotal for solving global problems, and for sustainable world peace, (as stated in a forthcoming book “Global Restoration”), with a new United Nations solely based on gquic psychology), offers the best methods to deal with discrimination, best raises social consciousness, and (in regions where unions have been undermined, such as in US), unions may want to prioritize the use of (the more effective) gquic psychology to solve worker disputes, protect strikers, and to curtail corruption (Rose, 2022) . This article, from bringing discoveries in the natural sciences to the social sciences, could bring the scientific community to endorse ST, gquic psychology to manage discrimination, organize unions, raise social consciousness and establish a new UN based on gquic psychology, and could bring the scientific community to recognize the importance (to science and society) of two new theories of evolution, the peaceful composure theorem, and the discovery of the Mebir innate response. .

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

Rose, N. (2023). The “Social-Friendly Learning-Instructional Theory”. Creative Education, 14, 578-606.


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1The word “gquic” is an abbreviation for gquic psychology. Gquic psychology is a new, more effective psychology based on the peaceful composure theorem, see Section 4, and the Mebir innate response (see footnote 2, (Rose, 2022) ). It uses knowledge and ST methods (which release the Mebir) in place of social conditioning and dominance in education, to solve societal problems and provide the “good life”. Gquic psychology is more effective because it elicits the Mebir innate response. Gquic psychology is already used in communist and socialist nations (i.e., along side of Darwinian psychology, which all nations use and cannot forsake from their being an unequal distribution of the wealth). Gquic psychology, if allowed, is more in harmony with human nature, is speedier, safer, less disruptive, and more economical (Rose, 2022) . I hypothesize the reason variable volume and improvised music on the blockflöte (recorder) is more effective than loud banging (when loud banging is not continuous) (Rose, 2022) is due to the Mebir innate response of an improvement in the effectiveness of behaviour (gquic psychology) being more influential than rewards and punishment. “Creative works of human interest” (gquic creative works) can make a topic of human interest interesting (in capitalist nations), or more interesting (in all nations). For certain kinds of sensual, creative works a written passage of human interest is needed to accompany a sensual, creative work, to elicit the Mebir. Even in modern times Chinese painters will at times include poems in their artwork. If the poems included in a painting were of human interest (were not simply sensual) they would elicit the Mebir innate response, that could be used in education.

2There is evidence for the Mebir in dogs, for an improvement in behaviour from a friendly greeting (including from friendly eye contact). Behavioural responses include improvements in: 1) sociality, 2) creativeness, 3) curiosity, 4) learning, 5) playfulness, 6) physical activity, 7) exploration, and possibly, 8) concentration (Rose, 2022) . The Mebir is of major importance from being a mechanism that makes ST more effective. It substantiates the social-brain hypothesis and from having done so, it substantiates “The Freedom to Intellectualize Theory” from it being more robust (for a description of the freedom to intellectualize theory see Section 3). The Meber is elicited in class from 1) topics and creative works of human interest, 2) convivial behaviours, 3) a higher level of social consciousness, and 4) positive, social interactions. The reader should be aware that though the use of competition is enjoyable, as the use of the Mebir is enjoyable, as a motivating force to work and learn, gquic psychology (see Footnote 4), (the Mebir innate response) has many advantages, (gquic psychology idealizes the use of the Mebir and knowledge in place of social conditioning to solve societal problems and to promote learning), including. (1) The Mebir improves physical activities (physical strength and agility) without self-centeredness, while at the same time improving intellectualizing, it improves the effectiveness of learning, the solving of societal problems, and is speedier, safer, and less disruptive, (2) the use of competition (social conditioning) is subjective, with respect to how much reward and punishment is used, gquic psychology is not a subjective psychology, (3) the idealization of competition (social conditioning) commonly results in the undesirable idealization of disruption, and dishonesty, (4) the use of competition for learning is not as effective as the use of the Mebir innate response [1], (5) the use of the Mebir gives students a lasting sense of identity in harmony with human nature, to be better at problem solving, and intellectualizing, and to be assertive rather than to be aggressive, and practice self-initiated unkindness. However, social conditioning cannot be forsaken in any nation due to an unequal distribution of the wealth.

3Topics of human interest are defined as eliciting the Mebir (for a description of the Mebir see footnote 1), but in a way which is in harmony with humans being loving, non-competitive and non-ag- gressive, (they do not promote invested interests, cruelty nor commercialism), see Section 6. For examples of creative works of human interest, see Section 6.

4Teachers who would like to try the methods described in this article (listed in Section 6), who would like help doing so, please contact the author (Nicholovich Rose). He would be happy to help you design an ST lesson or classroom. If you opt to try out ST methods please consider helping to collect data on student scores to provide statistical evidence for improvements in learning with (use of) ST methods. As inferred, testing for the effectiveness of ‘topics, and creative works of human interest’ on learning is easily done because students in (PR) China (where there is a high level of consciousness such that the Mebir is commonly elicited already) were interested in topics and creative works of human interest, and because topics and creative works of human interest have a dramatic result in engaging students from their being designed to release the Mebir innate response. In capitalist nations topics of human interest need to be supplemented with creative works of human interest to be of interest (personal observation). I would be happy hold a seminar on ST and ST methodologies upon request.

5Described in Section 3, # {9}, Section 4, (Rose, 2022) , and in Nicholovich Rose’s forth-coming book on two new theories of evolution.

6There is evidence that cooperative learning brings students to retain information more accurately. (Johnson & Johnson, 1999)

Continuation of Section 1.1: a review of the reasons (based on science) ST is better.

7In the future teachers can share their best ST lesson plans, topics, activities and works of art that elicit the Mebir.

8See Section 2, the passage titled “Introduction to the Peaceful Composure Theorem”, (Rose, 2022) , and Section 5.

9For information about common bottlenose dolphin close interspecies friendships, from a book on the zoology of the common bottlenose dolphin, send me an e-mail letter of inquiry.

10There is evidence that with cooperative learning students retain information more accurately (Johnson & Johnson, 1999) .

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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