Consolidation Solutions of a Saturated Porothermoelastic Hollow Cylinder with Infinite Length
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2010.21005   PDF    HTML     8,689 Downloads   12,848 Views   Citations


An analytical method is derived for the thermal consolidation of a saturated, porous, hollow cylinder with infinite length. The solutions in Laplace transform space are first obtained and then numerically inverted by Stehfest method. Two cases of boundary conditions are considered. First, variable thermal loadings are applied on the inner and outer pervious lateral surfaces of the hollow cylinder, and a variable mechanical loading with time is applied on the outer surface; while the displacement of the inner surface remains fixed. Secondly, variable thermal and mechanical loading are applied on the outer pervious surface, and the inner surface remains fixed, impervious and insulated. As two special problems, a solid cylinder with infinite length and a cylindrical cavity in a half-space body are also discussed. Finally, the evolutions of temperature, pore pressure and displacement with time along radial direction are analyzed by a numerical example.

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BAI, B. (2010) Consolidation Solutions of a Saturated Porothermoelastic Hollow Cylinder with Infinite Length. Engineering, 2, 37-45. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.21005.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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