Using Microgripper in Development of Automatic Adhesive Glue Transferring and Binding Microassembly System
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A system using microgripper for gluing and adhesive bonding in automatic microassembly was designed, implemented, and tested. The development of system is guided by axiomatic design principle. With a compliant PU microgripper, regional-edge-statistics (RES) algorithm, and PD controller, a visual-servoing system was implemented for gripping micro object, gluing adhesive, and operating adhesive bonding. The RES algorithm estimated and tracked a gripper’s centroid to implement a visual-servoing control in the microassembly operation. The main specifications of the system are: gripping range of 60~80μm, working space of 7mm×5.74mm×15mm, system bandwidth of 15Hz. In the performance test, a copper rod with diameter 60μm was automatically gripped and transported for transferring glue and bonding. The 60μm copper rod was dipped into a glue container and moved, pressed and bonding to a copper rod of 380μm. The amount of binding glue was estimated about 5.7nl.

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CHANG, R. and CHEN, C. (2010) Using Microgripper in Development of Automatic Adhesive Glue Transferring and Binding Microassembly System. Engineering, 2, 1-11. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.21001.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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