Life Is Quantum Biology Effects Explained from the Schrödinger Equation, Serious or Life-Threatening Conditions or Diseases, and COVID-19 Results ()
1. Introduction
COVID-19 infection is a serious or life-threatening illness and economic burden [1]. COVID-19 is an economic burden because it diverts resources and funding from countries in which the cost is a continuing problem [2]. Medical resources are strained when COVID-19 comes to critical levels of infection and clinics and hospitals are slammed with excessive critical patient loads [3] [4]. The FDA has reviewed/evaluated/accepted the technology/innovation dietary supplement products substantiation and scientific evidence [5]. FDA requested technology/Innovation health claims to measure the treatment for serious or life-threatening illnesses. Treatments for serious or life-threatening conditions or diseases are considered a novel approach to the diseased state [6] [7]. The Technology/Innovation has been developed to address cellular malfunction which has been shown to improve cellular function in plants, animals and humans [8] [9] [10]. This Technology/Innovation addresses the malfunction of a cell and assists the body’s healing [11] [12]. The body is an amazing mechanism that has the ability to repair and heal internal and external damage to itself. However the healing process often is prevented by an imbalance in the cell which prevents the cell from receiving the proper balance of nutrients and other elements produced by the body [13]. The Technology/Innovation is believed to incorporate a Quantum Wave that may partially separate the connection of the cells to allow the Technology/Innovation through cell wall structures in the body that otherwise have not been achieved [14]. This could also be attributed to a Quantum Tunneling effect as the cell is not separated from the adjoining cells but has a tunneling effect through the adhesive layer that adjoins the cells [15]. If the effect is not done correctly, it could break the cell wall or the adhesive layer that joins the cells together. This would create cellular damage [16]. By supplying botanicals/herbals nutrients to the cell and using the Technology/Innovation to properly deliver the nutrients to the cell, the cell has an opportunity to be balanced and return to normal function.
The Schrödinger equation has explained the effect of a Quantum Wave in particle distribution through nonsolid and solid structure [17]. It is believed that the Schrödinger effect produces a Quantum Wave from the Technology/Innovation and gives a pathway for nutrient intake. Further interpretation of the Schrödinger effect is that the cell may be penetrated through Quantum Tunneling [18]. This effect has been observed by using Technology/Innovation to penetrate the cell wall and provide nutrients to the cell that have been blocked.
This New Medical Technology Innovation that was created by Huu S. TIEU has its background in science encompassing the discipline of Quantum Biology, Quantum Mechanics, Chemistry, etc [19]. The Schrödinger equation is the very basis for Quantum Mechanics [20] [21] in Equation (1) [22] [23]. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants turn sunlight into energy, for example, the plant leaves have to absorb the photons of light and create the systematic effect of Quantum Tunneling through the leaf surface to penetrate the outer layer of the leaf [24]. This tunneling effect is observed in the crossing of the cell membrane and blood-brain barrier that separates the blood system from the nervous system [13].
(1) [22]
The Photosynthetic process has been shown to be improved by introducing the Technology/Invention to plant forms. Plant size is observed to show more growth after applying the Technology/Innovation to a treated plant versus untreated. The plant’s leaves have a more healthy appearance and are larger in size. This picture is a comparison of untreated vs. treated in Figure 1. When growing crops, the size and quantity of plants increased and the crop quality shows improvement. This shows the Quantum Wave effect. There is a disruption to the leaf surface by a Quantum Wave that gives a partial separation to the cells adhesive layer. This allows the Technology/Innovation to pass into the leaf. From there, it follows the plant’s pathways and flows through the plant. Toxins create cellular blockage that prevents proper absorption of nutrition into the cell. Quantum Tunneling of nutrients is then achieved as the Technology/Innovation penetrates the cell structure. The cell is then able to receive nutrients that would otherwise not be available.
Figure 1. Growth of plants compared to new Technology/Innovation. Plants comparing growth. The plant on the left is control with no part of the Technology/Innovation applied and the plant on the right is with the Technology/Innovation applied.
2. Patients and Methods of Treatment
2.1. Clinical Observation of COVID-19 Treatment Feature
Patients that had tested positive of Coronavirus by their physicians, hospitals and clinics were given the EMERGENCY D-Virus Plan of Care treatment. It begins with the use of all dietary supplement products ImunStem and Aktiffvate to improve immune system function. Then the administration of Anterferron-1, Anterferron-2, LunCov-1, and LunCov-2 are given to flush the system and arrest the development of the COVID-19 symptoms. Treatments are continued to support the elimination of Coronavirus.
The COVID-19 patients were screened for their symptoms and for verification of their positive COVID-19 test. COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms were excluded from treatment. Symptom screening included multiple different symptoms and their severity. The COVID-19 patients were called on a daily basic [25].
A total of fifty-four COVID-19 patients are included with forty-seven COVID-19 patients completing treatment. One COVID-19 patient was treated while receiving intubation at Kaweah Delta Medical Center and was discharged from the hospital twenty-four hours after treatment began. Please note that in this treatment no deaths had occurred and the majority of COVID-19 patients showed dramatic improvement within one to four days of initial treatment. A COVID-19 test was Not-Detected after the treatment. All COVID-19 patients began with moderate to severe symptoms and had tested COVID-19 positive for coronavirus before treatment was allowed.
SUMMARY: Forty-seven COVID-19 patients successfully completed the recommended treatment. Eighty (80%) percent of the patients who successfully completed the ImunStem, Aktiffvate, AnterFeeron-1, and AnterFerron-2, LunCov-1, and LunCov-2 combination treatment were asymptomatic or essentially asymptomatic within nine days of starting the treatment. Nineteen (19%) percent of patients required ten days to twenty-five days of treatment before becoming asymptomatic/essentially asymptomatic.
DEFINITION: Asymptomatic/essentially asymptomatic—The COVID-19 patients were either free of all of their symptoms of the COVID-19 illness, or they might have some residual symptoms consisting of, e.g. mild cough, some persistent abnormal sense of taste/smell, or some residual fatigue/stamina issues. But they felt well enough to return to work if that was such the case (The emphasis here was symptom-guided, not repeat COVID-19 testing).
SYMPTOMS: Symptom screening include multiple symptoms and their severity, i.e. fever of 100.4˚F degrees Fahrenheit or higher (if patients had a thermometer), cough severity/duration, chest pain/tightness, Shortness of Breath (SOB) at rest or with exertion, fatigue, loss of appetite/weight loss, body muscle aches and pains, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, nasal or nasal sinus stuffiness, rhinorrhea, sore throat, lassitude (poor desire to do anything), sense of anxiety or doom, confusion, loss of sense of taste and smell, numbness, skin rashes, insomnia, and oxygen saturation (if the patient had a home monitor) [26].
2.2. Clinical Observation of Cancer Treatment Features
The CANCER Plan of Care treatment begins with the use of all dietary supplement products; ImunStem and Aktiffvate to improve immune system function then the administration of KemoHerb-1, KemoHerb-2, KemoHerb-PI, KemoHerb-NR, AnterFerron-1, AnterFerron-2, CRProtein, HyProtein-1, HyProtein-2, HyProtein-3, HyProtein-4, and LyProtein are given to flush the system and arrest the development of the Cancers.
Cancer patients treated with the CANCER Plan of Care have medical records of the observed outcomes. The medical record results show that the Technology/Innovation has a positive effect on a variety of Cancers.
The observation was not to treat a specific type cancer but to show that all cancers should be included in only one category [27] [28]. A group suffering from a variety of cancers were observed in a clinical setting to retrieve data that showed a benefit for treatments with the Technology/Innovation products. A total of twenty-seven cancer patients were tracked using clinical observation, blood reports, CT/PET scans, cancer testing, etc. The results on paper showed significant improvement. This is shown on patient outcomes chart of Cancer Survival Rate Results (Table 1). What is not included on the chart is the quality-of-life these patients experienced during and after treatment with the Technology/Innovation products. These patients experienced an ability to travel and enjoy life even if the ultimate result was death [29]. Patients talked about meeting with family and friends outside the hospital setting, not experiencing some side-effects such as the loss of hair, nausea, constipation and debility. Cancer Patients also had an improved lifespan. The Technology/Innovation products do not have synthetic properties that are harmful to the human body.
NOTE: EMERGENCY D-Virus Plan of Care and CANCER Plan of Care provides treatment for COVID-19 and Cancer patients suffering from Serious or Life-threatening conditions. Technology/Innovation dietary supplement products are safe and effective for patients to be treated in hospitals or at home.
Table 1. A chart of the cancer survival rate results.
Using the Technology/Innovation patients were followed for Two-Years to see the survival results from diagnosis of various cancers.
3. Results and Discussion
Fifty-four COVID-19 patients were treated, but seven of them did not complete the recommended treatment and were not tabulated in the final results (several could not be reached by phone, one patient eventually revealed no COVID-19 testing was actually done, one refused to take the dietary supplement products in the order recommended, etc.). Five of the forty-seven COVID-19 patients were considered severe: 1) First male COVID-19 patient had oxygen saturations between and eighty-eight (88%) percent and ninety-three (93%) percent, respiratory rates sometimes in the thirty’s, sever cough, etc. and he was refusing to go to the hospital. His severe symptoms resolved in four or five days on the Technology/Innovation products. 2) First female COVID-19 patient went to the hospital with pneumonia for nine days after completing six days of the dietary supplement products, but she never required a ventilator. She was in the hospital for only nine days. 3) Second male COVID-19 patient was treated in the hospital for three days requiring 4 L/minute of nasal cannula oxygen. Two days after being released from the hospital, he started the ImunStem and Aktiffvate treatment. Within four days, he was able to decrease and stop oxygen. 4) Third male COVID-19 patient is an 86-year-old man who had been on a ventilator in Kaweah Delta Medical Center for about nine days. He was started on the ImunStem and Aktiffvate and subsequently release from the hospital in twenty-four hours. 5) Second female COVID-19 patient had several recurrences of her COVID-19 symptoms requiring prolonged treatments with the EMERGENCY D-Virus Plan of Care and other dietary supplement products.
EMERGENCY D-Virus Plan of Care treatment resulted in the mitigation of the COVID-19 patient symptoms besides shortening the recovery time from the infection. It is recognized that moderate to severely infected COVID-19 patients generally require two weeks or longer to recover. The COVID-19 patient’s recovery time on ImunStem and Aktiffvate treatment was decreased to only nine days in eighty (80%) percent of them. Also of remarkable note is the significant decrease in the anxiety and degree of suffering the treated COVID-19 patients experienced when compared to the typical COVID-19 patients. In general with COVID-19 patients, there is often a sense of “doom” and a wonder if it is ever going to end or “will I survive?” [30] [31]. The patients who received the ImunStem and Aktiffvate treatment could feel a noticeable difference in their wellbeing generally within one to two days of starting treatment. This gave them hope and expectancy of their return to health.
NOTE: A total of 27-patients with various cancers had been treated with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery received with poor outcomes. The CANCER Plan of Care provided these patients with an improved their quality-of-life.
4. Nonclinical Genotoxicity
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate ImunStem for its ability to induce reverse mutation at the histidine locus in Salmonella Typhimurium tester strains both in the presence and absence of an exogenous mammalian metabolic system (S9) containing microsomal enzyme. Conclusion: Under the test conditions in this study, ImunStem was not mutagenic in the tested strains of the Salmonella typhimurium, histidine auxotrophs TA97, TA98, TA100, TA102 and TA1535 both in the presence and absence of metabolic activation system. The results indicated that, at the dose concentration of a 25-fold dilution to a 15,625-fold dilution of original liquid, 100 µl/plate, ImunStem did not induce point mutations by base substitutions and/or frame shifts in the genome of these tested strains.
5. Conclusion
The paper “Life is Quantum Biology Effects Explained from the Schrödinger Equation, Serious or Life-threatening Conditions or Diseases, and COVID-19 Results” carries out nonclinical genotoxicity and clinical observation to show the application of Schrödinger equation, serious or life-threatening conditions or diseases, and COVID-19 results explain the quantum biology effects of life. The FDA has reviewed/evaluated/accepted the technology/innovation dietary supplement products as FDA-Regulated Medical Products and meets the requirement under FDA Significant Scientific Agreement.