1. Introduction
The story started in 1970 at Princeton University when the author of this paper was a visiting student of D.C. Spencer and his colleague J. Wheeler from the nearby physics department set up a 1000 $ challenge for proving that Einstein equations could be parametrized by potential-like functions like Maxwell equations. It is only in 1995 that he found the negative solution of this challenge, only paid back one dollar (!) by Wheeler because the relativistic community was (and still is !) convinced about the existence of such a parametrization. Accordingly, such a result can only be found today in books of control theory ( [1] [2] [3] ). Presenting this result at the algebra seminar of M.-P. Malliavin in the Institut Henri Poincaré of Paris the same year, he found by chance on display in the library the translation from Japanese of the 1970 Master thesis of M. Kashiwara ( [4] ) and discovered the usefulness of differential homological algebra that Spencer never told him about during his stay in Princeton.
In 1990, U. Oberst (Innsbruck University) succeeded applying these new tools to control theory, only studying linear systems of ordinary differential (OD) or partial differential (PD) equations with constant coefficients ( [5] ). However, the reader may discover by looking at “Oberst, Pommaret, RICAM” on the net how difficult it is to communicate with people familiar with analysis but not with formal methods (jet theory, differential sequences, diagram chasing) when studying these systems. Meanwhile, the author had become aware of the new methods (tensor products of rings with derivations) used by A. Bialynicki-Birula in order to study “Differential Galois Theory” ( [6] ), largely superseding the approach of E. Kolchin in classical differential algebra ( [7] [8] ).
A possibility to escape from such a situation was to publish as fast as possible a book presenting for the first time in a self-contained way the non-commutative aspect of double duality for the study of systems having coefficients in a differential field K ( [9], Zbl 1079.93001). Of course, the difficulty was to use commutative algebra for the graded modules in order to study the corresponding filtred modules, a hard task indeed. A more specific application of these new tools to mathematical physics (general relativity, gauge theory) allowed the author to justify the many doubts he already had for a long time about the origin and existence of gravitational waves and black holes, but this is out of the scope of this paper (Comparing [10] to [11] needs no comment as we shall see below in Remark 2.1.4).
In the second section, we shall study the linear framework and in the third section, we shall study the nonlinear framework, separating in each situation the differential geometric approach from the differential algebraic approach and providing various motivating examples. Many of the results are given without proofs that can be found in the many books ( [12] - [17] ) and recent papers ( [18] [19] [20] ) that we have published. It does not seem that the link existing between the Spencer operator and the non-commutative localization of Ore domains is known. In any case, this result has never been used for applications to control theory or even mathematical physics.
The author thanks the anonymous referee who pointed him out the necessity to recall the link existing between this modern formal approach and the classical computational approach of O. Heaviside (1889) or J. Mikusinski (1949) based on purely algebraic localization techniques in place of the Laplace transform. A few tricky examples will be presented in the subsection 2.2 in order to illustrate these difficult questions.
2. Linear Correspondences
2.1. Linear Systems
If X is a manifold of dimension n with local coordinates
, we denote as usual by
the tangent bundle of X, by
the cotangent bundle, by
the bundle of r-forms and by
the bundle of q-symmetric tensors. More generally, let
be vector bundles over X with local coordinates
simply denoted by
, projection
and changes of coordinates
. We shall denote by
the vector bundle obtained by inverting the matrix A of the changes of coordinates, exactly like
is obtained from T. We denote by
a (local) section of E, Under a change of coordinates, a section transforms like
and the changes of the derivatives can also be obtained with more work. We shall denote by
the q-jet bundle of E with local coordinates
called jet coordinates and sections
transforming like the sections
where both
are over the section
of E. For any
is a vector bundle over X with projection
is a vector bundle over
with projection
DEFINITION 2.1.1: A linear system of order q on E is a vector sub-bundle
and a solution of
is a section
of E such that
is a section of
be a multi-index with length
, class i if
. We set
. There is a natural way to distinguish the section
from the section
by introducing the Spencer operator
with components
. The kernel of d consists of sections such that
. Finally, if
is a system of order q on E locally defined by linear equations
, the r-prolongation
is locally defined when
by the linear equations
and has symbol
if one looks at the top order terms. If
is over
, differentiating the identity
with respect to
and substracting the identity
, we obtain the identity
and thus the restriction
. More generally, we have the restriction:
using standard multi-index notation for exterior forms, namely
for a finite basis, and one can easily check that
. The restriction of
to the symbol is called the Spencer map
similarly, leading to the purely algebraic
( [1] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [21] ).
DEFINITION 2.1.2: A system
is said to be formally integrable when all the equations of order
are obtained by r prolongations only,
or, equivalently, when the projections
are epimorphisms
Finding an intrinsic test has been achieved by D.C. Spencer in 1965 ( [21] ) along coordinate dependent lines sketched by M. Janet in 1920 ( [22] ) and providing a Pommaret basis by using the Janet tabular in a particular coordinate system called
-regular like in ( [12] [13] [14] [15] ).
THEOREM 2.1.3:
is formally integrable (involutive) if
is an epimorphism and
is 2-acyclic with
(involutive with
). When
is involutive, there exist n integers
called characters and we have
, in particular
REMARK 2.1.4: As long as the Prolongation/Projection (PP) procedure has not been achieved in order to get an involutive system
large enough, nothing can be said about the CC. Fine examples can be found in [16] and [17] but we provide more details on the situation existing in general relativity. Indeed, let us define a bracket on sections (care) of
which is generalizing the ordinary bracket of vector fields existing for any
. For this, we notice that
as a bilinear combination that can be extended by linearity to sections of
. Introducing the Spencer operator d already defined, we may define on sections (care again!) of
the desired differential bracket already introduced in ( [12] ):
is the interior product, which is easily seen not to depend on the respective lifts at order
. A linear system
is then called a Lie algebroid if
and it can be proved that
is again a Lie algebroid, independently of any formal integrability condition as can be seen on the Lie algebroid preserving the 1-form
(See [12] - [17] for details). In particular, if
is the Kerr metric when
, the corresponding Killing system
is far (the word is weak !) from being formally integrable but
is a Lie algebroid and we have proved in ( [11] ) that the CC for the Killing operator contains 14 second order and 4 third order generators, such a result only depending on the fact that:
according to ( [11], Theorem 4.2, Corollary 4.3). Similar results have also be obtained (with less work!) for the Schwarzschild metric. These facts prove that only the group of invariance of the metric is important contrary to what is believed today (See [23] and [24] for more details).
is involutive, the linear differential operator
of order q is said to be involutive. Introducing the set of solutions
and the Janet bundles:
we obtain the canonical linear Janet sequence (Introduced in [12], p 185 + p 391):
where each other operator, induced by the Spencer operator, is first order involutive and generates the compatibility conditions (CC) of the preceding one. Similarly, introducing the Spencer bundles:
we obtain the canonical linear Spencer sequence also induced by the Spencer operator:
In the case of analytic systems, the following theorem providing the Cartan-Kähler (CK) data is well known though its link with involution is rarely quoted because it is usually presented within the framework of exterior calculus ( [12] ):
THEOREM 2.1.5 (Cartan-Kähler): If
is a linear involutive and analytic system of order q on E, there exists one analytic solution
and only one such that:
is a point of
2) For
parametric derivatives
of class i are equal for
given analytic functions of
The monomorphism
allows to identify
with its image
and we just need to set
in order to obtain the first order system (Spencer form)
which is also involutive and analytic while
is an epimorphism. Studying the respective symbols, we may identify
is involutive. Looking at the Janet board of multiplicative variables we have
We obtain therefore:
is a first order linear involutive and analytic system such that
is an epimorphism, then there exists one analytic solution
and only one, such that:
are equal to
given constants when
are equal to
given analytic functions of
given analytic functions of
2.2. Differential Modules
If A is an associative ring with unit
, a subset
is called a multiplicative subset if
.. In the commutative case, these conditions are sufficient to localize A at S by constructing the new ring of fractions
over A. For simplicity, we shall suppose that A is an integral domain (no divisor of zero) and we shall choose
in order to introduce the field of fractions
. The idea is to exhibit new quantities
with the standard rules:
The same definition can be used for any module M over A in order to introduce the module of fractions
with the rules:
is called the torsion submodule of M over S and we have the exact sequence
of modules over A where the morphism
on the right is
and we have
In the non-commutative case considered through all this paper, we shall meet four problems:
· How to compare
· How to decide when we shall say that
· How to multiply
· How to find a common denominator for
LEMMA 2.2.2: If there exists a (left) localization of a noetherian A with respect to S, then we must have the (left) “Ore condition”
. It follows that
and two fractions can be multiplied or brought to the same denominator. Finally,
is a submodule of M.
Proof: Roughly, any right fraction
can be written as a left fraction
, that is we must have
. Now, if we have two fractions
, we can find
such that
. Hence, we obtain
. As for the multiplication of fractions, we have
Finally, given
, we can find
such that
. We may thus find
such that
and we get
. Also, we can use
in order to obtain
Let K be a differential field with n commuting derivations
and consider the ring
of differential operators with coefficients in K with n commuting formal derivatives satisfying
in the operator sense. If
, the highest value of
is called the order of the operator P and the ring D with multiplication
is filtred by the order q of the operators. We have the filtration
. As an algebra, D is generated by
if we identify an element
with the vector field
of differential geometry, but with
now. It follows that
is a bimodule over itself, being at the same time a left D-module by the composition
and a right D-module by the composition
. We define the adjoint functor
and we have
both with
. Such a definition can be extended to any matrix of operators by using the transposed matrix of adjoint operators (See [1] [4] [9] [25] [26] for more details and applications to control theory, elasticity or mathematical physics, in particular general relativity).
PROPOSITION 2.2.3: D is an Ore domain with
Proof: Let
be given. In order to prove the Ore property for D, we must find
such that
. Considering the system
, it defines a differential module M over D with the finite presentation
. Now, as we have only one unknown and
in this sequence, then M is a torsion module and
. From the additivity property of the differential ranks, if there should be no compatibilty condition (CC), see the example below), then the first morphism on the left should be a monomorphism, a result leading to the contradiction
. Accordingly we can find the operators V and Q such that
. Conversely, if now V and Q are given, using the adjoint functor and the fact that
, we may obtain
such that
as before and thus
such that
, a result showing that
REMARK 2.2.4: As pointed out at the end of the Introduction, we now explain the link existing between localization and the operational calculus of Heaviside and Makuzinski (HM) along the fine reference ( [27], in particular sections 1 and 2). Meanwhile, we illustrate it with tricky examples opening a domain of research for the future study of mechanical systems or RLC electrical circuits.
Having in mind the sudden switch on of an electrical circuit, the key object of the HM theory is surely the Heaviside step function h which is equal to 0 for
and to 1 for
with a jump by 1 at
. The idea is to use it in order to endow the commutative ring A of real or complex valued continuous functions defined on the interval
with the structure of an integral domain (no divisor of zero). Denoting by
or simply f a function, and by
the value of f at t, we may define an addition
and a specific multiplication through the convolution:
Now, having in mind the following symbolic computation:
we may even consider for any constant parameter a the formula:
a result recalling what is well known for the Laplace transform.
In a more mathematical way,
may be considered as the integration operator and we have successively:
a result leading to introduce the formula
by induction.
Introducing as in algebra the multiplicatively closed subset
, we may introduce the ring of convolution quotients
with standard notations from algebra. The element
is the differential operator because, if
has a continuous derivative
, we have:
where we have set
for any pure real or complex number, as a way to introduce the boundary conditions. More generally, we have:
Also, as we have
, we get:
that can be obtained from the inversion of
by induction on n, starting from the case
that the reader may check directly with some effort as for
We can finally integrate any linear OD equation:
with a unique solution whenever
are n given numbers.
It must be noticed that such an elegant approach found by K. Yosida and S. Okamoto in 1980 allows to prove that A is an integral domain for the convolution directly, without any reference to Titchmarsh’s theorem used by J. Mikusinski in 1950. As we shall prove below, we do believe that such an explicit procedure of integration, though of course useful for electrical circuit, does not allow at all to study the fine structure of the underlying differential modules defined by the corresponding systems (torsion submodules, extension modules, resolutions, ...).
Let us consider as in ( [9], p 576) a RLC electrical circuit made up by a battery with voltage u delivering a current y to a parallel subsystem with a branch containing a capacity C with voltage
between its two plates and a resistance
while the other branch, crossed by a current
, is containing a coil L and a resistance
. The three corresponding OD equations are easily seen to be:
Such a system can be set up at once in the standard matrix form
but we shall avoid the corresponding Kalman criterion that could not be used if
should depend on time. The two first OD equations are defining a differential module N (See section 2.3) over the differential field
while the elimination of
is providing the input submodule
and the output submodule
. However, taking into account Remark 2.1.4 that has never been used in control theory, in particular for electrical circuit, we have to distinguish carefully between two cases (See [11] for other explicit examples):
· If
, we have a single second order CC for
and the the system is observable, that is we have indeed the strict equality
(Exercise: We let the reader check this fact with
and get
which is controllable).
· If
, we have only a single first order equation
which is controllable if and only if
and we have the strict inclusion
(Exercise: Choose
and get
which is not controllable because
is a torsion element with
Though it is already quite difficult to find such examples, there is an even more striking fact. Indeed, if we consider only the two first equations for
, we have a formally surjective first order operator
defined over K. Taking into account the intrinsic definition of controllability which is superseding Kalman’s one (again because it allows to treat time depending coefficients as well), we let the reader check that the corresponding system is controllable if and only if the first order operator
is injective by applying again Remark 1.A.4 (See [1] [2] and [9] for more details).
The following example of coupled pendula will prove that this result, still not acknowledged today by engineers, is not evident at all ( [1] [9] ). For this, let us consider two pendula of respective length
attached at the ends of a rigid bar sliding horizontally with a reference position
. If the pendula move with a respective (small) angle
with respect to the vertical, it is easy to prove from the Newton principle that the equations of the movements does not depend on the respective masses
of the pendula but only depend on the respective lengths and gravity g along the two formulas:
is the standard time derivative. Any reader can check experimentally that the system is controllable, that is the angles can reach any prescribed (small) values in a finite time when starting from equilibrium, if and only if
and, in this case, we have the following 4th order injective parametrization:
Of course, if
, the system cannot be controllable because, setting
, we obtain by substraction
and thus
Using the differential double duality test ( [1] [2] [9] [20] ), we invite the reader to parametrize similarly the torsion-free differential modules just constructed in the study of the
circuit as we do not know any specific reference. In fact, as controllability does not depend on the choice of the input/output variables among all the control variables, we could choose the parametrizing potential
in place of each
or each
depending on any experimental requirement.
For justifying our comment, we finally provide the following elementary example of a noncommutative localization with
where we set
for simplicity. Let us consider the two linear operators
and look, as in the previous proposition, to a least common left multiple
of P and Q in D. Repeating the same procedure, let us consider the linear inhomogeneous system
. Prolonging once the first OD equation, we obtain
and thus
by substraction, a fact showing
that the given system is not formally integrable. Dividing by x, we get
and substituting in the first OD equation, we obtain the second order CC
leading to the common 3rd-order multiple:
a result leading thus to
. As
, D is
a principal ideal domain and we don’t even need to substitute the value of y in the second OD equation as a way to find a new 4th-order CC that could easily be seen to be differentially dependent on the above 3rd-order one already obtained. Denoting by M the D-module defined by the given system, we have thus obtained the following formally exact free resolution:
where p is the canonical residual projection. Accordingly, this resolution is quite far from being “strictly” exact because the first operator on the right is not formally integrable (See [19] for more details). For a common right multiple, we may therefore just repeat the search for CC with the formal adjoint operators
. It is rather striking that, up to our knowledge, we could not even quote a single reference dealing in a systematic way with the formal adjoint, despite its fundamental use in mathematical physics ( [16] [17] ), in particular general relativity ( [20] [23] [24] ), elasticity ( [25] ) and electromagnetism ( [26] ). As we shall see in the following example, the situation becomes quite more tricky when
EXAMPLE 2.2.5: With
let us consider the two first order operators
. Considering the formal system
, we obtain
and thus the involutive system with jet notations:
Among the three CC that should exist, only two are non-trivial and provide the new second order (care!) involutive sytem:
with the unexpected single first order CC
. We obtain therefore the two operator identities:
leading again to the two unexpected localizations:
Taking the adjoint operators, we get in particular
In order to achieve this example and explain why such methods, up to our knowledge, have never been used for applications, it just remains to explain the equality of these two fractions in this framework. Indeed, we obtain easily the unique operator identity
provided by the last CC
for u. Reducing to the same denominator can be done if we use the operator identity:
produced by the same last CC
for v. We conclude this example exhibiting the corresponding long exact sequence of differential modules:
where we have successively from left to right:
with Euler-Poincaré characteristic
Accordingly, if
are differential indeterminates, then D acts on
by setting
. We may therefore use the jet coordinates in a formal way as in the previous section. Therefore, if a system of OD/PD equations is written in the form
with coefficients
, we may introduce the free left differential module
and consider the differential module of equations
, both with the residual left differential module
or D-module and we may set
if we want to specify the action of the ring of differential operators. We may introduce the formal prolongation with respect to
by setting
in order to induce maps
by residue with respect to I if we use to denote the residue
by a bar like in algebraic geometry. However, for simplicity, we shall not write down the bar when the background will indicate clearly if we are in Dy or in M. As a byproduct, the differential modules we shall consider will always be finitely generated (
) and finitely presented (
). Equivalently, introducing the matrix of operators
with m columns and p rows, we may introduce the morphism
over D by acting with D on the left of these row vectors while acting with D on the right of these row vectors by composition of operators with
. The presentation of M is defined by the
exact cokernel sequence
. We notice that the presentation
only depends on
, that is to say never refers to the concept of (explicit local or formal) solutions. It follows from its definition that M can be endowed with a quotient filtration obtained from that of
which is defined by the order of the jet coordinates
. We have therefore the inductive limit
with prolongations
An exact sequence of morphisms finishing at M is said to be a resolution of M. If the differential modules involved apart from M are free, that is isomorphic to a certain power of D, we shall say that we have a free resolution of M. In the general situation of a sequence
of modules which may not be exact, we may define the coboundary, cocycle and cohomology at M by setting respectively
and apply the above result to the various short exact sequences like
. The deleted complex is obtained by replacing M by 0. Applying
, we obtain a sequence that may not be exact. The corresponding cohomology modules, called extension modules
, are torsion modules for
, do not depend on the resolution of M and only depend on
and M ( [9] [28] - [31] ).
Having in mind that K is a left D-module with the action
defined by
and that D is a bimodule over itself for the composition law of operators, we have only two possible constructions only depending on
and M:
DEFINITION 2.2.6: We may define the right (care !) differential module
, using the bimodule structure of
and setting
while checking that:
REMARK 2.2.7: When M admits the finite presentation
, applying
we obtain the following long exact sequence of right (care!) differential modules:
and the so-called Malgrange isomorphism just amounts to the fact that
. We are immediately facing one of the most delicate problems of this section when dealing with applications and/or effective computations, a problem not solved in the corresponding literature which has been almost entirely using fields of constants ( [5] [32] [33] ) though the solution is known since a long time ( [4] [27] [31] ). Indeed, apart for purely mathematical reasons, the only differential modules to be met are left differential modules. By chance, one has the following theorem describing the functorial side changing procedure amounting to replace
by is formal adjoint
. In the differential geometric framework, such a procedure amounts to replace an operator
by its formal adjoint
and one may set
for any vector bundle E over X with
while reversing the arrows. However, as the formal adjoint of an involutive operator may not even be formally integrable, the formal adjoint of an exact (Janet, Spencer) sequence may not be an exact (Janet, Spencer) sequence at all and this is the motivation for introducing the extension modules. The simplest example when
can be found in the study of the double pendulum ( [25] ). In the time-varying case with
, the Kalman-type system
is controllable if and only if the operator
is injective, that is to say if and only if the matrix
has maximum rank (Compare to [34] where the adjoint is missing).
THEOREM 2.2.8: There exists an isomorphism
with inverse
Proof: First of all, we prove that
has a natural right module structure over D by introducing the basic volume n-form
and defining
. We have
is the classical Lie derivative on forms and obtain therefore:
From well known properties of the Lie derivative, we have also:
Now, using the adjoint map
, we may introduce the adjoint functor
and we have
It remains to introduce the K-linear isomorphism
and check that
. These definitions are coherent because, when d is any
, we have
and thus
, a result leading to the formula:
The isomorphism
is also right D-linear because we have successively:
These unexpected results explain why the formal adjoint cannot be avoided in non-commutative localization and is so important for applications ranging from control theory ( [1] [9] [19] ) to continuum mechanics ( [23] [35] ) or electromagnetism ( [24] ) and even general relativity ( [20] [26] ).
DEFINITION 2.2.9: We define the system
and set
as the system of order q. We have the projective limit
. It follows that
defines a section at order q and we may set
for a section of R. For an arbitrary differential field K, such a definition has nothing to do with the concept of a formal power series solution (care).
Similarly to the preceding definition, we may define the left (care !) differential module
, using again the bimodule strucure of D and setting
, in particular with
. However, we should have
, unless K is a field of constants like in most of the literature ( [3] [5] [32] [33] ).
PROPOSITION 2.2.10: When M is a left D-module, then R is also a left D-module.
Proof: As D is generated by K and T as we already said, let us define:
In the operator sense, it is easy to check that
and that
is the standard bracket of vector fields. Using simply
in place of any
and d in place of any
, we have:
We finally get
and thus recover exactly the Spencer operator of the previous section though this is not evident at all. We also get
and thus
induces a well defined operator
. This operator has been first introduced, up to sign, by F.S. Macaulay as early as in 1916 but this is still not acknowledged ( [35] ). For more details on the Spencer operator and its applications, the reader may look at ( [14] [16] [17] [18] ).
PROPOSITION 2.2.11: When M and N are left D-modules, then
is also a left D-module.
Proof: As before, we may define:
and let the reader finish as an exercise.
COROLLARY 2.2.12: The two structures of left D-modules obtained in these two propositions are coherent with the following adjoint isomorphism existing for any triple
Proof: Whenever
, we may define
and we have successively for any
that is
and thus
The inverse morphism can be studied similarly.
Proof: As K is a field, thus a commutative ring, we have the isomorphism of left D-modules
and we may exchange M and N. As K is a left differential module for the rule
, we obtain:
COROLLARY 2.2.14: The differential module
is an injective differential module.
Proof: When
is a short exact sequence of modules and N is any module, we have only the exact sequence
obtained by composition of morphisms. In the present situation, using the previous corollaries, we have the following commutative and exact diagram because K is a field (See [36], p 18):
Chasing in this diagram, we deduce that the upper morphism is an epimorphism and
is an injective module because
transforms a short exact sequence into a short exact sequence. The reader may compare such an approach with the one used in ( [32] or [33] ) in order to understand why these applications are not dealing with variable coefficients as the differential structure on R must be defined by the Spencer operator but we do not know any other reference (compare to [5] ).
DEFINITION 2.2.15: With any differential module M we shall associate the graded module
over the polynomial ring
by setting
and we get
where the symbol
is defined by the short exact sequences:
We have the short exact sequences
leading to
and we may set as usual
in a coherent way with differential geometry.
The two following definitions, which are well known in commutative algebra, are also valid (with more work) in the case of differential modules (See [9] for more details or the references ( [1] [28] [30] [31] ) for an introduction to homological algebra and diagram chasing).
DEFINITION 2.2.16: The set of elements
is a differential module called the torsion submodule of M. More generally, a module M is called a torsion module if
and a torsion-free module if
. In the short exact sequence
, the module
is torsion-free. Its defining module of equations
is obtained by adding to I a representative basis of
set up to zero and we have thus
DEFINITION 2.2.17: A differential module F is said to be free if
for some integer
and we shall define
. If F is the biggest free dfferential module contained in M, then M/F is a torsion differential module and
. In that case, we shall define the differential rank of M to be
. Accordingly, if M is defined by a linear involutive operator of order q, then
is a short exact sequence of differential modules and maps or operators, we have
REMARK 2.2.19: We emphasize once more that the left D-module
used in the literature ( [5] [32] [33] [34] [35] ) is coming from the left action of D on any
through the formula
and we have thus:
, they are not coherent at all with the formulas of Proposition 2.2.1, namely:
unless K is a field of constants, in particular because, when
, then
in general ( [17], p 66 for more details). Accordingly, most of the applications of differential duality to control theory must be therefore revisited with these new methods of differential homological algebra (Compare to [34] ). We also claim that the use of the adjoint operator must become essential for all the applications to mathematical physics.
In order to conclude this section, we may say that the main difficulty met when passing from the differential framework to the algebraic framework is the “inversion” of arrows. Indeed, with
, when an operator
is injective, that is when we have the exact sequence
, like in the case of the operator
, on the contrary, using differential modules, we have the epimorphism
. The case of a formally surjective operator, like the
operator, described by the exact sequence
is now providing the exact sequence of differential modules
has no CC.
We are now ready for using the results of the second section on the Cartan-Kähler theorem. For such a purpose, separating the parametric jets that can be chosen arbitrarily from the principal jets that can be obtained by using the fact that the given OD or PD equations have coefficients in a differential field K, we may write the solved equations in the symbolic form
and an implicit (finite) summation in order to obtain for the sections
. Using the language of Macaulay, it follows that the so-called modular equations are
with eventually an infinite number of terms in the implicit summations. Substituting, we get at once
. Ordering the
as we already did and using a basis
for the
, we may select the parametric modular equations
When k is a field of constants, a polynomial
of degree q is multiplied by a monomial
, we get
. Hence, if
, the “shifted” polynomial thus obtained is such that
and the difference between the maximum degree and the minimum degree of the monomials involved is always equal to q and thus fixed. When
, one can exhibit a series only made with 0 or 1 like
with “zero zones” of successive increasing lengths
and so on, separated by 1 in such a way that the contraction with the shifted polynomial is the leading term of the given polynomial and extend this procedure to n arbitrary.
and degree by order, we may use the results of section 2 in order to split the CK-data into m formal power series of 0 (constants),
variables that we shall call series of type i for
. However, as the following elementary example will show, the shifting procedure cannot be applied to the variable coefficient case, namely when K is used in place of k. Indeed,
, if we contract
with the series
already defined when
, we get
though P does not kill f because
and the contraction of P with f is
The idea will be to shift the series to the left (decreasing ordering), up to sign, instead of shifting the operator to the right (increasing ordering). For this, we notice that we want that the contraction of
with f should be zero, that is
. But
must also contract to zero wih f that is
. Substracting, we obtain therefore the condition
, that is P must also contract to zero with the shift
or even
of f when f is made with 0 and 1 only. Applying this computation to the above example, we get
and the contraction with P provides the leading coefficient
of P like the contraction of
, that is the same series can be used but in a quite different framework. Also, in the finite dimensional case existing when the symbol
is finite type, that is when
for a certain integer
, applying the
-sequence inductively to
as in ( [12], Proposition 4.7, p 123), it is known that
is finite type and involutive if and only if
, that is to say
. In a coherent way, we have thus obtained:
THEOREM 2.2.20: If M is a differential module over
defined by a first order involutive system in the m unknowns
with no zero order equation, the differential module
may be generated over D by a finite basis of sections containing m generators.
In the general situation, counting the number of CK data, we have
. We obtain therefore the following result which is coherent with the number of unknowns in the Spencer form
COROLLARY 2.2.21: If M is a differential module over
defined by an involutive system
, the differential module
may be generated over D by a finite basis of sections containing
EXAMPLE 2.2.22: Among the most interesting examples with
we present the following second order system provided by Macaulay in 1916 ( [37] ):
It is easy to check that
is not involutive, that
is 2-acyclic because
and that
is trivially involutive. Accordingly, only the system
is involutive with the
parametric jets
and all the three characters vanish both with all the jets of order ≥ 4 because the system is homogeneous.
Let us consider the following 8 sections with all other components equal to zero:
Taking into account the two PD equations
, we obtain successively:
Or, equivalently, working with the corresponding modular equations:
and so on. It follows that all the sections can be generated by the single section
and all the modular equations can be generated by the single modular equation
, a result absolutely not evident at first sight but coherent with the fact that the radical of the annihilator of M is the maximal ideal
Finally, with
an even more striking example has been provided by M. Janet in 1920 ( [22] ) with the following second order system:
In this case,
but R can be generated by the single modular equation:
because all the jets of order >5 vanish (See [1] and [15] for more details).
EXAMPLE 2.2.23: If
, let us consider the third order OD equation
for which we may exhibit the basis of sections:
, we obtain
and check that all the sections can be generated by a single one, namely
which describes the power series of the solution
. We have indeed
With now
, let us consider the differential module defined by the system
. Setting
, we successively get:
and a differential isomorphism with the module defined by the new system
. We have seen that the sections of the second system are easily seen to be generated by the single section
, a result leading to the only generating section
of the initial system but these sections do not describe solutions because
. We do not know any reference in computer algebra dealing with sections.
EXAMPLE 2.2.24: With
, let us consider the second order OD equation
. We successively obtain by prolongation:
and so on. We obtain the corresponding board describing the maps
Let us define the sections
by the following board where
in order to obtain
. Though this is not evident at first sight, the two boards are orthogonal over K in the sense that each row of one board contracts to zero with each row of the other though only the rows of the first board do contain a finite number of nonzero elements. It is absolutely essential to notice that the sections
have nothing to do with solutions because
on one side and also because
even though
on the other side. As a byproduct,
can be chosen separately as unique generating section of the inverse system over K (care) and we may write for example:
EXAMPLE 2.2.25: With
, let us consider again the second order system
. Setting
, we obtain the first order involutive system:
It follows that the CK data for
. Using the given equations and their solved prolongations like
and so on, we have the finite basis (care!):
, a basis with only two generators may be
. However:
and we obtain the unique generator h.
2.3. Linear Control Theory
The most striking aspect of the application of module/system theory to linear control theory is that it is coming from rather unexpected chases in commutative and exact diagrams looking like rather abstract at first sight. As more details and examples can be found in book form ( [1] [9] ), we shall only provide below a few new results that cannot be found elsewhere.
PROPOSITION 2.3.1: One has the short exact sequence of (differential) modules:
Proof: Using elementary classical homological algebra, one obtains the following commutative and exact diagram:
At first, the lower southeast arrow being the composition of two epimorphisms is an epimorphism. A circular chase finally proves that any element of N killed by this southeast arrow is the sum of an element of L and an element of M, achieving the proof. It is important to notice the symmetric part plaid by L and M in N.
In the general situation, we obtain from the left upper commutative square the useful formulas:
in a coherent way with the following corollary:
, then one has
THEOREM 2.3.3: There is a bijective correspondence between the intermediate differential modules
and the intermediate differential modules
defined by the rules:
Proof: We have the following commutative diagram of injections:
Let us start with
, construct
and obtain
. First of all, we get
. Now, using the left commutative square, we obtain from the previous proposition
. Similarly, using the right commutative square, we obtain
and thus an isomorphism
. However, we have the following commutative and exact diagram:
and thus
that is
Finally, starting with
, we should obtain
, then define
and conclude as before that
. Replacing specialzations by injections while chasing in the following commutative and exact diagram:
we have thus been able to deal only with submodules of N. In paricular, if N is torsion-free, that is
, the interest of this aproach is that all the submodules are torsion-free.
EXAMPLE 2.3.4: (See [9], pp 736-738] for the details and diagrams) With
, let us consider the differential module defined by the OD equation
. We may define the input differential module
by using u and the output differential module by using
. The differential module
with a strict inclusion, is defined by the OD equation
. Localizing at the covector
, we get the equation
that we can also write
because K is a field of constants. As we can factor by
it follows that
is generated by
that satisfies
. We have
and its radical is
is an intersection of prime ideals. Similarly, we have
and thus
leading to
as an intersection of prime differential ideals. We have proved in ( [9] ) how to use these differential submodules of M both with the new differential modules
in order to study all the problems concerning poles and zeros. In the present paper, as we are only interested by controllability, we have just to study the differential submodules of the torsion-free differential module
3. Nonlinear Correspondences
3.1. Nonlinear Systems
If X is a manifold with local coordinates
, let us consider the fibered manifold
over X with
, that is a manifold with local coordinates
simply denoted by
, projection
and changes of local coordinates
. If
are two fibered manifolds over X with respective local coordinates
, we denote by
the fibered product of
over X as the new fibered manifold over X with local coordinates
. We denote by
a global section of
, that is a map such that
but local sections over an open set
may also be considered when needed. Under a change of coordinates, a section transforms like
and, differentiating with respect to
, we may introduce new coordinates
transforming like:
We shall denote by
the q-jet bundle of
with local coordinates
called jet coordinates and sections
transforming like the sections
where both
are over the section f of
. It will be useful to introduce a multi-index
with length
and to set
. Also, a jet coordinate
is said to be of class i if
. As the background will always be clear enough, we shall use the same notation for a vector bundle or a fibered manifold and their sets of sections. We finally notice that
is a fibered manifold over X with projection
is a fibered manifold over
with projection
DEFINITION 3.1.1: A (nonlinear) system of order q on
is a fibered submanifold
and a global or local solution of
is a section f of
over X or
such that
is a section of
over X or
DEFINITION 3.1.2: When the changes of coordinates have the linear form
, we say that
is a vector bundle over X. Vector bundles will be denoted by capital letters
and will have sections denoted by
. In particular, we shall denote as usual by
the tangent bundle of X, by
the cotangent bundle, by
the bundle of r-forms and by
the bundle of q-symmetric covariant tensors. When the changes of coordinates have the form
we say that
is an affine bundle over X and we define the associated vector bundle E over X by the local coordinates
changing like
DEFINITION 3.1.3: If the tangent bundle
has local coordinates
changing like
, we may introduce the vertical bundle
as a vector bundle over
with local coordinates
obtained by setting
and changes
. Of course, when
is an affine bundle over X with associated vector bundle E over X, we have
. We have the short exact sequence of vector bundles over
Accordingly, in variational calculus, the couple
made by a section f of
and its variation
is nothing else but a section of
has no reason at all to be “small”.
For a later use, if
is a fibered manifold over X and f is a section of
, we denote by
the reciprocal image of
by f as the vector bundle over X obtained when replacing
in each chart, along with the following commutative diagram:
A similar construction may also be done for any affine bundle over
. When the background is clear enough, with a slight abuse of language, we shall sometimes set
as a vector bundle over
and call “vertical machinery” such a useful systematic notation.
Looking at the transition rules of
, we deduce easily the following results:
is an affine bundle over
modeled on
but we shall not specify the tensor product in general.
PROPOSITION 3.1.5: There is a canonical isomorphism
of vector bundles over
given by setting
at any order and a short exact sequence:
of vector bundles over
allowing to establish a link with the formal theory of linear systems.
PROPOSITION 3.1.6: There is an exact sequence:
is over
with components
is called the (nonlinear) Spencer operator.
is a system of order q on
, then
is called the first prolongation of
and we may define the subsets
. In actual practice, if the system is defined by PDE
the first prolongation is defined by adding the PDE
. accordingly,
as identities on X or at least over an open subset
. Differentiating the first relation with respect to
and substracting the second, we finally obtain:
and the Spencer operator restricts to
. We set
DEFINITION 3.1.8: The symbol of
is the family
of vector spaces over
. The symbol
only depends on
by a direct prolongation procedure. We may define the vector bundle
by the short exact sequence
and we have the exact induced sequence
, we obtain:
In general, neither
are vector bundles over
we may introduce the usual bases
where we have set
. In a purely algebraic setting, one has:
PROPOSITION 3.1.9: There exists a map
which restricts to
Proof: Let us introduce the family of s-forms
and set
. We obtain at once
The kernel of each
in the first case is equal to the image of the preceding
but this may no longer be true in the restricted case and we set:
DEFINITION 3.1.10: Let
be the coboundary space
, cocycle space
and cohomology space at
of the restricted
-sequence which only depends on
and may not be vector bundles. The symbol
is said to be s-acyclic if
, involutive if it is n-acyclic and finite type if
becomes trivially involutive for r large enough. In particular, if
is involutive and finite type, then
. Finally,
is involutive for any
if we set
We have (See [12] for the diagram allowing to prove this delicate result first found by Spencer):
is 2-acyclic and
is a vector bundle over
, then
is a vector bundle over
LEMMA 3.1.12: If
is involutive and
is a vector bundle over
, then
is also a vector bundle over
. In this case, changing linearly the local coordinates if necessary, we may look at the maximum number
of equations that can be solved with respect to
and the intrinsic number
indicates the number of y that can be given arbitrarily.
We notice that
in the following commutative diagram:
but we only have in general
. We finally obtain the following crucial Theorem and its Corollary (Compare to [12], pp 70-75):
THEOREM 3.1.13: Let
be a system of order q on
such that
is a fibered submanifold of
. If
is 2-acyclic and
is a vector bundle over
, then we have
for all
DEFINITION 3.1.14: A system
is said to be formally integrable at the order
is an epimorphism of fibered manifolds for all
, formally integrable if
is an epimorphism of fibered manifolds
and involutive if it is formally integrable with an involutive symbol
. We have the following useful test ( [12] [21] ):
COROLLARY 3.1.15: Let
be a system of order q on
such that
is a fibered submanifold of
. If
is 2-acyclic (involutive) and if the map
is an epimorphism of fibered manifolds, then
is formally integrable (involutive).
This is all what is needed in order to study nonlinear systems of ordinary differential (OD) or partial differential (PD) equations, using calligrphic letters like
for the nonlinear framework and capital letters like
for the linear or vertical linearized framework.
3.2. Differential Algebra
be commutative unitary rings or even integral domain with fields of quotients
containing a field k as a subring or subfield, for example a polynomial ring
in many indeterminates with coefficients in k and the corresponding field
of rational functions. The ideas that led Erich Kähler to the next definitions in 1930 are of two kinds ( [38] ):
· The derivative of a polynomial with respect to any one of the indeterminates is a polynomial while the derivative of a rational function is a rational function, a reason sufficient for believing that the concept of derivation could be useful in algebra.
· The variational and linearization procedures presented in the last section and used for many applications to physics should be extended to differential algebra in order to obtain the algebraic counterpart of definition 3.1.3 and proposition 3.1.5, replacing X by a ring A or a field K.
DEFINITION 3.2.1: A derivation from A to an A-module M over k is a map
such that
and the set of such maps is denoted by
. When
, we simply set
PROPOSITION 3.2.2: Given any A-module M and any derivation
, there exists a unique A-module denoted by
, called module of Kähler differentials of A over k, a derivation
and a unique morphism
such that
in the following commutative diagram:
The element
is called the differential of a and
Proof: Let F be the free A-module made by the symbols
and let N be the submodule of F generated by
. We set
and the derivation
is the universal derivation allowing to define
Another way is to take into account the limit procedure that is classically used in analysis, namely
in order to avoid the square quatity
and so on. For this, let us denote by I the kernel of the map
and define
while setting
. Using the bimodule structure of
while identifying
, it follows that d is indeed a derivation from A to the A-module
as we have successively:
and thus:
Among the elementary properties of the Kähler differentials, we notice that, if
is a k-algebra homomorphism and M is a B-module, then M becomes a A-module under the rule
and we have the exact sequence of B-modules:
and thus
The proof of the following two propositions is classical and can be found in ( [9], pp 387-389):
PROPOSITION 3.2.3: (First fundamental exact sequence) We have the exact sequence of B-modules:
where the first map is a monomorphism when f is a monomorpism. In particular, if
is a chain of field extensions, then one has the short exact sequence of vector spaces over L:
PROPOSITION 3.2.4: (Second fundamental exact sequence) If we have the short exact sequence
, then we have the exact sequence of B-modules:
EXAMPLE 3.2.5: Let
be two indeterminates over the field
and consider the case
. Then the ideal
is not prime because
. The image of
, that is
. A similar comment applies to
and it is easy to see that the kernel of the map
is of the form
Finally, if S is a multiplicatively closed subset of A, we may use the morphism
in Proposition 2.2.3, we shall study the behaviour of derivations and differentials under localization. As
induces a unique derivation
through the known formula
, it follows that the morphism
given by
is an epimorphism. We obtain the short exact sequence:
and thus the short exact sequence:
Taking into account the previous standard formula, it follows that
and we obtain:
PROPOSITION 3.2.6: There is an isomorphism
EXAMPLE 3.2.7: We now present in an independent manner a few OD or PD cases showing the difficulties met when studying differential ideals and ask the reader to revisit them later on while reading the main Theorems. As only a few results will be proved, the interested reader may look at [13] or [15] for more details and compare to [7] or [8].
· OD1: If
, y is a differential indeterminate and
is a formal derivation, we may set
and so on in order to introduce the differential ring
. We consider the differential ideal
generated by the differential polynomial
. We have
cannot be a prime differential ideal,
and so on. After no less than 4 differentiations, we let the reader discover that
and thus
is neither prime nor perfect, that is equal to its radical, but
is perfect as it is the intersection of the prime differential ideal generated by y with the prime differential ideal generated by
, both containing
· OD2: With the same notations, let us consider the differential ideal
generated by the differential polynomial
. We have
cannot be prime differential ideal. Hence, we must have either
and so on. After 3 differentiations we obtain
and thus
is neither prime nor perfect as before but
is the prime differential ideal generated by
· PD1: If
as before, y is a differential indeterminate and
are two formal derivations, let us consider the differential ideal generated by
. Using crossed derivatives
and differentiating twice, we get
and thus
is again neither prime nor perfect but
is a perfect differential ideal and even a prime differential ideal
because we obtain easily from the last subsection that the resisual differential ring
is a differential integral domain. Its quotient field is thus the differential field
with the rules:
as a way to avoid “looking for solutions”. The formal linearization is the linear system
obtained in the last section where it was defined over
, but not over K, by the two linear second order PDE:
changing slightly the notations with
and keeping the letter v only when looking at the symbols. It is at this point that the problem starts because
is indeed a fibered manifold with arbitrary parametric jets
is no longer a fibered manifold because the dimension of its symbol changes when
. We understand therefore that there should be a close link existing between formal integrability and the search for prime differential ideals or differential fields. The solution of this problem has been provided as early as in 1983 for studying the “Differential Galois Theory” in ( [13] ). The idea is to add the third order PDE
and thus consider the linearized PDE
obtaining therefore a third order involutive system well defined over K with symbol
· PD2: With the same notations, let us consider the differential ideal generated by the differential polynomials
. We get:
. As the symbol
is involutive, there is an infinite number of parametric jets
and thus
is a differential integral domain with
. It follows that
is a prime differential ideal with
. The second order linearized system is:
is now well defined over the differential field
and is involutive.
DEFINITION 3.2.8: A differential ring is a ring A with a finite number of commuting derivations
that can be extended to derivations of the ring of quotients
as we already saw. We shall suppose from now on that A is even an integral domain and introduce the differential field
. For example, if
are indeterminates over
, then
is a differential ring with quotient differential field
If K is a differential field as above and
are indeterminates over K, we transform the polynomial ring
into a differential ring by introducing as usual the formal derivations
and we shall set
DEFINITION 3.2.9: We say that
is a differential ideal if it is stable by the
, that is if
. We shall also introduce the radical
and say that
is a perfect (or radical) differential ideal if
. If S is any subset of A, we shall denote by
the differential ideal generated by S and introduce the (non-differential) ideal
in A.
LEMMA 3.2.10: If
is differential ideal, then
is a differential ideal containing
Proof: If d is one of the derivations, we have
and thus:
LEMMA 3.2.11: If
, we set
. We have in general
and the problem will be to know when we may have equality.
We shall say that a differential extension
is a finitely generated differential extension of K and we may define the evaluation epimorphism
with kernel
by calling
the residue of y modulo
. If we study such a differential extension L/K, by analogy with Section 2, we shall say that
is a vector bundle over
if one can find a certain number of maximum rank determinant
that cannot be all zero at a generic solution of
defined by differential polynomials
, that is to say, according to the Hilbert Theorem of Zeros, we may find polynomials
such that
. The following Lemma will be used in the next important Theorem:
LEMMA 3.2.12: If
is a prime differential ideal of
, then, for q sufficiently large, there is a polynomial
such that
THEOREM 3.2.13: (Primality test) Let
be prime ideals such that
. If the symbol
of the algebraic variety
defined by
is 2-acyclic and if its first prolongation
is a vector bundle over
, then
is a prime differential ideal with
COROLLARY 3.2.14: Every perfect differential ideal of
can be expressed in a unique way as the non-redundant intersection of a finite number of prime differential ideals.
COROLLARY 3.2.15: (Differential basis) If
is a perfect differential ideal of
, then we have
for q sufficiently large.
EXAMPLE 3.2.16: As
is a polynomial ring with an infinite number of variables it is not noetherian and an ideal may not have a finite basis. With
, then
is a prime differential ideal.
is differentially algebraic over
is differentially algebraic over K, then
is differentially algebraic over K. Setting
, it follows that, if L/K is a differential extension and
are both differentially algebraic over K, then
are differentially algebraic over K.
are such that
, we have the two towers
of differential extensions and we may therefore define the new tower
. However, if only L/K and M/K are known and we look for such an N containing both L and M, we may use the universal property of tensor products an deduce the existence of a differential morphism
by setting
. Looking for an abstract composite differential field amounts therefore to look for a prime differential ideal in
which is a direct sum of integral domains (See [13] for more details).
DEFINITION 3.2.18: A differential extension L of a differential field K is said to be differentially algebraic over K if every element of L is differentially algebraic over K. The set of such elements is an intermediate differential field
, called the differential algebraic closure of K in L. If L/K is a differential extension, one can always find a maximal subset S of elements of L that are differentially transcendental over K and such that L is differentially algebraic over
. Such a set is called a differential transcedence basis and the number of elements of S is called the differential transcendence degree of L/K.
THEOREM 3.2.19: If L/K is a finitely generated differential extension, then any intermediate differential field
between K and L is also finitely generated over K.
THEOREM 3.2.20: The number of elements in a differential basis of L/K does not depent on the generators of L/K and his value is
. Moreover, if
are differential fields, then
Comparing the differential geometric approach to nonlinear algebraic systems with the differential algebraic approach just presented while setting
, we obtain:
COROLLARY 3.2.21: When L/K is a finitely generated differential extension, then
is a differential module over the differential ring
of differential operators with coefficients in L. The linearized “system”
is thus a (left) differential module for the Spencer operator like in the linear framework.
It is not evident to grasp these results in order to apply them to control theory or mathematical physics for two reasons. The first is that the formal theory of nonlinear systems has not been accepted by differential geometers because of the homological background based on the so-called “vertical machinery” and the systematic use of the Spencer
-cohomology. The recent study of the Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics (Compare [10] to [11] ) is providing a good example of such a poor situation. The second is the fact that, when K is a true differential field and M is differential module defined over the noncommutative ring
of differential operators with coefficients in K, then the “system”
is still not used today because its differential structure highly depends on the Spencer operator which has never been introduced in physics. As a good example, we may quote the fact that the Cosserat couple stress equations are just described by the formal adjoint of the linear Spencer operator ( [13] [14] ).
3.3. Nonlinear Control Theory
As we have already explained in ( [13] ), the generalized “Bäcklund problem” is nothing else than the study of nonlinear differential correspondences in the theory of differential elimination. We shall provide, below and successively, a differential geometric definition followed by a differential algebraic definition and all the problem will be to establish a link between them.
When X is a manifold of dimension n, let us consider two fibered manifolds over X, namely
with local coordinates
with local coordinates
. The fibered product
is a fibered manifold over X with local coordinates
and we have the canonical identification:
with local coordinates
For most applications, we shall suppose that
be a nonlinear system of order q on
called a differential correspondence between
. When
, we may consider the resolvent systems
for y and
for z, induced by the canonical projections of
Roughly, finding
amounts to eliminate z while finding
amounts to eliminate y and we shall only consider the first problem as the second will be similar.
· In the linear case, pushing y on the left and z on the right, we are left with the search of the CC for y or the CC for z that may be quite difficult. One of the best examples has been provided by M. Janet with the second order system (See [1] or [15] for details):
can be given arbitrarily for getting
must satisfy one CC of order 3 and one CC of order 6.
· In the nonlinear case, we have ( [9] [13] ):
THEOREM OF THE RESOLVENT SYSTEMS 3.3.2: In general, one may find two integers
such that
is formally integrable (involutive) with formally integrable (involutive) projections
. Moreover, r and s can be (tentatively) found by a finite algorithm preserving the symmetry existing between
Proof: First of all, we know that, in general, one can find the two integers
in such a way that
is formally integrable (involutive). Hence, using the commutative and exact diagram:
we may suppose, without any loss of generality, that
is formally integrable (involutive).
Now, chasing in the commutative diagram:
we obtain therefore
Then, chasing in the commutative diagram:
we notice that
is an epimorphism
Finally, chasing in the commutative and exact diagram:
we deduce that each
is formaly integrable at each
, though not always formally integrable as we shall see on examples.
Looking at the symbol h of
, we have
. According to standard Noetherian arguments, such a situation is stabilizing for r and s large enough but such an approach is not constructive in general.
For this reason, we shall prefer to use a different approach which is closer to the one met in the case of linear differential correspondences. For this, if
is an arbitrary section of
, we shall consider the new system for y defined by
. Such a system, which is in general neither involutive nor even formally integrable as we shall see on examples, may also be not even compatible as it may not provide a fibered manifold but this way may give informations on the order of the OD or PD equations that should be satisfied by z. A similar procedure could be used by setting
and introducing
in order to obtain a system for z over
Let us now turn to the differential algebraic counterpart.
DEFINITION 3.3.3: If K is a differential field and we have a differential algebraic correspondence defined by a prime differential ideal
, we may define the resolvent system for y by the resolvent differential ideal
and the resolvent system for z by the resolvent differential ideal
LEMMA 3.3.4: The resolvent ideal for y is the prime differential resolvent ideal
for which one can find a differential basis. Similarly, the prime differential resolvent ideal for z is
Proof: We have the commutative and exact diagram:
First of all, B is an integral domain because
is a prime differential ideal. It follows from a chase that the induced morphism
is a monomorphism and
is thus also an integral domain, a result showing that
is a prime differential ideal. It is essential to notice that projections of ideals cannot be used in the nonlinear framework. Hence, the idea is to reduce the study of differential algebraic correspondences to the study of purely algebraic correspondences.
We end this last section with a few basic motivating examples showing the importance of the non-commutative localization of integral domains for explicit computations and applications. We hope therefore that these examples could be used as test examples for future applications of computer algebra (Compare to [39] ).
EXAMPLE 3.3.5: With
while using local coordinates
for the fibered manifold
let us consider anew the nice example presented by J. Johnson in ( [40] ), namely the nonlinear system
defined by the two algebraic PD equations:
We let the reader prove successively as an exercise that:
is adding
is adding
is adding
and thus
is adding
Accordingly, the prime ideal
generated by the two given differential polynomias
is such that
, a result not evident at first sight and leading to the trivial differential extension
. The linearization procedure is even less evident. Indeed, starting with the linearized second order system:
we let the reader prove that we successively get:
is adding
is adding
is adding
is adding
but one cannot conclude.
Such an example is proving that, in general, one must start from a formally integrable or even involutive system in order to be able to define the module of Kähler differentials for the differential extension L/K.
EXAMPLE 3.3.6: (Burgers) With
, local coordinates
and differential field
, let us consider the algebraic first order involutive system
defined by two differential algebraic PD equations:
These two differential polynomials generate a prime differential ideal
and provide thus a differential extension N/K. Indeed,
is an integral domain and
is a prime ideal. Then, using one prolongation, we may introduce the following second order system
and use the Janet tabular to prove that it is a nonlinear involutive system. It follows that
is an integral domain and
is a prime ideal. Thanks to Theorem 3.2.13, we obtain thus finally
which is also an integral domain. It follows hat
are prime differential ideals.
Taking now any section
, we obtain the system
for z:
and its first prolongation
for z:
First of all, this is a fibered manifold if and only if f is solution of the second order system
defined by the single second order PD equation:
which is the resolvent system for y generating the prime differential ideal
allowing to define a differential extension
of K and we have
We are thus left with the first order (nonlinear) system for z:
which is easily seen to be involutive for any solution
Taking finally any section
, we obtain the system
and the projecion
of its first prolongation
is compatible if and only if g is solution of the second order system
defined by the single second order PD equation obtained after subsitution of
which is the resolvent system for z generating the prime differential ideal
allowing to define a differential extension
of K and we have
We are thus left with the only zero order (linear) equation for y, namely:
for any solution
. The differential correspondence that must be used is thus
andN are differential algebraic extensions of K of zero differential transcendence degree.
EXAMPLE 3.3.7: (Korteweg-de Vries) With the same notations, we let the reader provide the details of the following similar example with the second order nonliear differential correspondence
by exhibiting the nonlinear formally integrable involutive system
such that
according to Theorem 3.1.13, with characters
(Compare to [13] ).
Taking now any section
, we obtain the system
for z which is the first prolongation of the first order (nonlinear) system
defined by:
Using crossed derivatives and tedious but elementary substitutions, this system is involutive if and only if
is a solution of the third order involutive resolvent system
for y:
Similarly, taking now any section
, we obtain the system
defined by:
Differentiating the second equation with respect to
and substracting the first while using the other equations, we discover that this system is compatible if and only if
is a solution of the third order involutive resolvent system
for z:
It follows that we are left with a single zero order equation for y, namely:
for any solution
. The differential correspondence that must be used is thus
EXAMPLE 3.3.8: With
, let us consider the single input/single output (SISO) nonlinear control system
with a constant parameter
. The differential ideal
generated by P is prime because
is an integral domain and we set as usual
. The corresponding linearized system is
. Multiplying by a test function
and integrating by parts, the adjoint operator is:
Multiplying the first OD equation by
, the second by 1 and adding them, we get
. As
is a principal ideal domain, it follows that
is a torsion-free and thus free differential module over
if and only if this operator is injective ( [1] [9] ), that is to say if and only if
, then
is generated by
, we obtain
and one can thus use the analytic Frobénius theorem with integrating factor
in order to get
, say
, we have
and obtain the only CC:
Multiplying by a test function
and integrating by parts, we obtain the parametrization:
which is injective with potential
EXAMPLE 3.3.9: With
, let us consider the first order nonlinear system ( [9] ):
The differential ideal
is prime because
is an integral domain and we define as usual the differential extension
and dividing by 2, the linearized system becomes:
Multiplying as usual by the Lagrange multiplier
and integrating by parts, we get the adjoint operator with
which is injective with the two CC:
It follows that
is a torsion-free differential module over
which is thus also free because it is known that any module over a principal ideal ring which is torsion-free is also free ( [30] ). Its adjoint operator provides therefore the first order parametrization: