Professor Kuo-Chen Chou, founder and honorary editor of the Health magazine died on the 5th of July at the Brigham Women Hospital of lung cancer, aged 82. From the moment the journal was founded until the very last days, he paid great attention to developing a strategy for the development of the journal as an international one, creating a platform for doctors, researchers in the field of medicine and academic workers to put forward new ideas, methods, and discuss prospects. He was a world-famous scientist and leader in the field of biophysics and bioinformatics, the most frequently cited author of scientific papers. He made a great contribution to the development of these scientific areas. World science has lost a great scientist and a man. I first met Professor Kuo-Chen Chou in 2012 in Shanghai during an international scientific conference on bioinformatics, which was well organized and held at a high scientific level. Throughout all the years of our fruitful cooperation, I have met with understanding and support. We deeply mourn the loss of Professor Kuo-Chen Chou, and we dedicate this note to him. We express our condolences to the family and friends. The memory of him will remain in our hearts.
Prof. Leonid P Titov
Editor-in-Chief of journal HEALTH