Infinite Sets of Solutions and Almost Solutions of the Equation N⋅M = reversal(N⋅M) II ()
1. Introduction
In this paper, motivated by their intrinsic interest and by applications to the study of numeric palindromes and other sequences of integers, we discover a method for producing infinite sets of solutions and almost solutions of the equation:
where if N is an integer written in base b, which is understood from the context then reversal(N) is the base b integer obtained from N writing its digits in reverse order.
An almost solution of (1) is a pair of integers
for which the equality (1) holds up to a few of digits for which we understand their position. Our results are valid in a general numeration base
and complement the results in [1]. Recently one of us showed in Nitica [2] that, in any numeration base b, for any integer N not divisible by b, the Equation (1) has an infinite set of solutions
. Nevertheless, as one can see from [3], finding explicit values for M can be difficult from a computational point of view, even for small values of N, e.g.
. We show in [1] for many numeration bases explicit infinite families of solutions of (1). This families of solutions here complement and are independent of those shown in [1].
Another application of our results may appear in the study of the classes of b-multiplicative and b-additive Ramanujan-Hardy numbers, recently introduced in Nitica [4]. The first class consists of all integers N for which there exists an integer M such that
, the sum of base b-digits of N, times M, multiplied by the reversal of the product, is equal to N. The second class consists of all integers N for which there exists an integer M such that
, times M, added to the reversal of the product, is equal to N. As showed in Nitica [2] [4], the solutions of Equation (1) for which we can compute the sum of digits of
or of
, can be used to find infinite sets of above numbers.
2. Statements of the Main Results
The heuristics behind our results is that the product of a palindrome by a small integer still preserves some of the symmetric structure of the palindrome; if, in addition, the palindrome has many digits of 9, many times the results observed in base 10 can be carried over to an arbitrary numeration base b replacing 9 by b − 1.
be a numeration base. If x is a string of digits, let
denote the base b integer obtained by repeating x k-times. Let
denote the value of the string x in base b.
Next theorem is one of our main results.
Theorem 1. Let
be a numeration base. Let
integers such that
. Then,
Proof of Theorem 1 is covered in Section 3. Similar proof to that of Theorem 1 gives also the somewhat stronger statement Theorem 3.
The above table illustrates the result from Theorem 1 if
, and
. Note that
Theorem 2. Let
numeration base and
integers then one has:
in particular if b is odd and
Then (2) gives a solution of (1).
The proof of Theorem 2 is done in Section 4.
The following examples illustrate the statement of Theorem 2.
Theorem 3. let
umeration base. Let
integers such that
. Then,
Next theorem shows for all numeration bases examples of pairs
that satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 1.
Theorem 4. Let
be a numeration base. Then the pairs
satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 1.
Corollary. Let
be numeration base. Then
Consequently, satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 1, consequently
Proof: apply Theorem 4 to the pair
The above table illustrates the result from Theorem 1 & Theorem 3 if
, thus
. Note that
The above table shows all pairs
that satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 1 for small numeration bases. We observe that for
there are no pairs
that satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 1.
3. Proof of Theorem 1
4. Proof of Theorem 2
Using that
and that
One has that:
5. Conclusion
Motivated by possible applications to the study of palindromes and other sequences of integers we discover a method for producing infinite families of integer solutions and almost solutions of the equation
. Our results complement the results in [1] and are valid in all numeration bases
While working on this project C. E. was an undergraduate student at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.