Logical Function Decomposition Method for Synthesis of Digital Logical System Implemented with Programmable Logic Devices (PLD)


The paper consists in the use of some logical functions decomposition algorithms with application in the implementation of classical circuits like SSI, MSI and PLD. The decomposition methods use the Boolean matrix calculation. It is calculated the implementation costs emphasizing the most economical solutions. One important aspect of serial decomposition is the task of selecting best candidate variables for the G function. Decomposition is essentially a process of substituting two or more input variables with a lesser number of new variables. This substitutes results in the reduction of the number of rows in the truth table. Hence, we look for variables which are most likely to reduce the number of rows in the truth table as a result of decomposition. Let us consider an input variable purposely avoiding all inter-relationships among the input variables. The only available parameter to evaluate its activity is the number of ls or Os that it has in the truth table. If the variable has only 1 s or 0 s, it is the best candidate for decomposition, as it is practically redundant.

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M. Timis, A. Valachi, A. Barleanu and A. Stan, "Logical Function Decomposition Method for Synthesis of Digital Logical System Implemented with Programmable Logic Devices (PLD)," Circuits and Systems, Vol. 4 No. 7, 2013, pp. 472-477. doi: 10.4236/cs.2013.47062.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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