Experiences of being old and receiving home nursing care. Older South Sami narrations of their experiences—An interview study


The Sami people who are the natives of Scandinavia are not a homogeneous group. They consist of different groups of Sami populations of which the South Sami population are one small group. For the South Sami this means a problem; they have to struggle against a general ignorance about the Sami people and culture, which also may affect received home nursing care. The aim of this study is to describe individual South Sami experiences of being old and receiving home nursing care. A sample of 10 older persons with South Sami background was chosen for this study. Narrative interviews were conducted and qualitative content analysis was used to identify and categorize primary patterns in data. The experience of being an old person with South Sami background who receives home nursing care was understood through the use of the following four themes developed from the informants’ own narratives: “Experience of losses in life”; “Feelings of being less valued”; “Feelings of gratitude”; and “Experience of meaning in daily life as old”. The main finding is that the South Sami population still is exposed to an ongoing subtle colonisation. Therefore, it is important to prepare and teach nurses who work in the South Sami area in cultural care, traditional values and beliefs specific to the South Sami population.

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Ness, T. , Enmarker, I. and Hellzèn, O. (2013) Experiences of being old and receiving home nursing care. Older South Sami narrations of their experiences—An interview study. Open Journal of Nursing, 3, 1-7. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2013.31001.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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