Construction of A Creative Instructional Design Model Using Blended, Project-Based Learning for College Students


The purpose of this study was to construct a blended, project-based learning creative instructional design model for university students that responds to the demands of the digital age, enhances student learning achievements in creativity, and cultivates student creative ability in independent thinking and innovation. This study organizes and analyzes blended learning, project-based learning, and the literature on creativity to summarize creative instructional design indicators for blended project-based learning, and it uses the fuzzy Delphi method for expert questionnaire analysis to filter the indicators most suited to university students. This study proposes that the four dimensions of creative instructional design are the following: 1) creative character traits; 2) ability in the creative process; 3) innovative product design, and 4) an instruc- tional environment for creativity, with a total of 23 design indicators. Based on the results of the expert questionnaire analysis and evaluation mechanisms, the levels of importance and primary consideration indicators of the design indicators are established. The results show that incorporation of creative instructional design in blended, project-based learning can sufficiently cover the content of the four dimensions of creativity and that this approach gains the approval of most experts. This instructional design model can be used as an indicator for creativity learning effect assessment of university students, as a basis for creative instructional design by teachers, and as a reference for creativity curricular planning in university engineering colleges. This model can effectively enhance student creativity learning effects and, in turn, achieve the objective of an overall elevation of national competitiveness.

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Lou, S. , Chung, C. , Dzan, W. & Shih, R. (2012). Construction of A Creative Instructional Design Model Using Blended, Project-Based Learning for College Students. Creative Education, 3, 1281-1290. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37187.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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