Clinical critics in the management of diabetes mellitus


There is a global epidemic of diabetes with its prevalence expected to increase from 5.1% in 2003 to 6.3% in 2025. This increase in diabetes is occurring in all nations, however, developing nations are particularly at risk. It spares no group and affects men, women, the elderly, young and people from very racial and socio-economic background. Nevertheless, certain ethnic groups including Asians are affected more than Caucasians. Large randomized clinical trials have shown that improvement in glycaemic control, together with management of diabetes-related risk factors like blood pressure and lipid control significantly reduce the micro and macro complications in individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Patient education plays a crucial role in the prevention of diabetic fool problems. In Geneva, the rate of lower limb amputations was reduced by almost 75% after an educational intervention. People with diabetes must acquire the knowledge and skills through education to provide daily self-care in diabetes management which involves maintenance of healthy living, recognition and management of diabetes problems when they arise and taking preventive measures. Some factors include patients’ biomedical variables, the psychosocial environment, the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of patients themselves, home careers and health care providers, healthcare systems’ accessibility and availability and even the national political context may influence these self-care behaviors.

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Gillani, S. , Sulaiman, S. , Sundram, S. , Victor, S. and Abdullah, A. (2012) Clinical critics in the management of diabetes mellitus. Health, 4, 537-548. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.48085.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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