American Journal of Industrial and Business Management

Volume 10, Issue 3 (March 2020)

ISSN Print: 2164-5167   ISSN Online: 2164-5175

Google-based Impact Factor: 2.08  Citations  

Review and Prospect of Research on Floating Population Entrepreneurship in Strange Land in China

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DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2020.103044    536 Downloads   1,347 Views  Citations


With the development of urbanization in China, the floating population has become an important driving force for urban economic development and entrepreneurial activity, and its entrepreneurial activity even exceeds that of local residents. This paper focuses on the main theoretical results of the research on floating population entrepreneurship in strange land, systematically combs and reviews the research on floating population entrepreneurship in strange land from three aspects: the definition and measurement of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land, the determinants of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land, and the results of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land. Floating population entrepreneurship in strange land refers to the behavior of floating population to identify, create and utilize economic opportunities, carry out entrepreneurial activities and achieve enterprise development in their inflow areas. In addition to focusing on the entrepreneurial behavior of the general floating population, the research on floating population entrepreneurship in strange land also focuses on the urban entrepreneurial behavior of the rural floating population. The research on the determinants of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land mainly focuses on the single factor analysis at the micro, meso and macro levels. The research on the results of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land explores the multiple impacts of floating population entrepreneurship on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial regions from an economic and non-economic perspective. Finally, based on the existing analysis conclusions and deficiencies, this paper expands the future research direction. This paper considers that the subdivision of types of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land, the interaction of determinants of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land, the process research of floating population entrepreneurship in strange land, and the entrepreneurial performance of floating population in strange land need to be further deepened.

Share and Cite:

Ying, K. (2020) Review and Prospect of Research on Floating Population Entrepreneurship in Strange Land in China. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 10, 659-676. doi: 10.4236/ajibm.2020.103044.

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