Open Journal of Preventive Medicine

Volume 9, Issue 8 (August 2019)

ISSN Print: 2162-2477   ISSN Online: 2162-2485

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.63  Citations  

Empty Sella [Presenting as Hypopituitarism] and Platybasia Secondary to Essential Fatty Acids Deprived Diet. Proof of Basic Concept Study by Retrospective Analysis

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DOI: 10.4236/ojpm.2019.98009    464 Downloads   1,316 Views  


Background: Universal concern is an increased prevalence of morbidity, mortality; with improper comprehension, the globe has implemented, non evidence-based medical practice, without therapeutic indication, therapeutic protocols, policies-contraception, abortion, annihilating human race by therapy, destroying germ cells with consecutive systemic inflammatory response syndrome, associated with decreased androgen oestrogen resulting in metabolic syndrome, increased neoplasms—due to lacuna of this comprehension—cholesterol was blamed, resulting in essential fatty acids deprived diet, promoting sunflower seed oil, refined oil, lipid-lowering agents prescription like water, for the past >40 years; the tragedy of this false concept of refined oil, essential fatty acids deprived diet, [against God-ordained marvelous cell metabolism, from cholesterol] resulting in degenerative diseases, defaulted genomic repertoire, as cause and effect phenomenon in the two following morbid, fatal case presentations; contraception, abortion is the culprit and not cholesterol which is the basic life moiety of cell membrane, cell metabolism governing steroid hormones-androgen oestrogen derived from cholesterol. Case 1: 76-year-old male, vegetarian, presented with lethargy, hypotension, unexplained hyponatremia, on fludrocortisone for 2 years. MRI detected empty sella; hence hypopituitarism with cortisol deficiency, resulting in hyponatremia was considered and with hydrocortisone replacement, patient improved. Low levels of LDL, HDL, suggested chronic [>40 years] deprivation of diet containing essential fatty acids had resulted in degenerative—empty sella status with hypopituitarism. Case 2: 17-year-old girl presented with headache, vomiting, feeble pulse; 6 months prior platybasia had been diagnosed and she had undergone corrective neurosurgery, to widen bilaterally, narrowed, base of skull foramina, to prevent compression on the exiting neurovascular bundles; urgent CT scan of brain confirmed significant narrowing of foramen magnum, compressing brainstem; she expired within 30 minutes secondary to brainstem edema. Low levels of HDL, LDL confirmed, long term [~16 years] deprivation of essential fatty acids intake, leading to decreased steroid hormone synthesis—including oestrogen—the surveilling hormone for cell metabolism, including skull base, having resulted in progressive Platybasia, compressing brainstem. Conclusion: Though both patients belonged to affluent society it was the sincere adherence to the false detrimental concept of essential fatty acids deprived diet, which was the cause and effect phenomenon of degenerative empty sella syndrome, ineffectual cell-bone metabolism presenting as platybasia.

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Samuel, E. ,  , D. , Natarajan, S. ,  , R. , Manohar, C. , Veerakesari, S. , Kanthan, U. and Kanagaraj, C. (2019) Empty Sella [Presenting as Hypopituitarism] and Platybasia Secondary to Essential Fatty Acids Deprived Diet. Proof of Basic Concept Study by Retrospective Analysis. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 9, 95-104. doi: 10.4236/ojpm.2019.98009.

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