Design and Strength Verification of LNG Cargo Enclosure System FSP Type ()
The demand for natural gas in the world is increasing day by day. The
efficient and flexible LNG becomes the preferred method for natural gas storage
and transportation and has gradually entered people’s daily life. The enclosure
system is the key core of LNG transport and storage vessels for storage of LNG
at -163°C for isolation and thermal insulation. A new type of flat half-film
prismatic LNG enclosure system has been developed for the shortcomings of the
existing LNG cargo enclosure system. Through the breakthrough and mastery of
key core technologies such as the overall layout and integration of the system,
anti-leakage technology, liquid tank fixing technology, and large-scale
friction stir welding (P-FSW) flat-line pipeline development technology, we’ll
strive to fill the gap in the intelligent construction technology of large
aluminum alloy tanks in China. The tank was subjected to water vapor test and
numerical simulation. The results show that the structural strength of the
FSP-LNG tank meets the strength check standard of IGC Code.
Share and Cite:
Ji, Z. , Bo, Y. , Qi, F. and Yan, C. (2019) Design and Strength Verification of LNG Cargo Enclosure System FSP Type.
Modern Mechanical Engineering,
9, 49-56. doi:
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