An Efficient Identity-Based Homomorphic Broadcast Encryption ()
Broadcast encryption (BE) allows a sender to broadcast its message to a set of receivers in a single ciphertext. However, in broadcast encryption scheme, ciphertext length is always related to the size of the receiver set. Thus, how to improve the communication of broadcast encryption is a big issue. In this paper, we proposed an identity-based homomorphic broadcast encryption scheme which supports an external entity to directly calculate ciphertexts and get a new ciphertext which is the corresponding result of the operation on plaintexts without decrypting them. The correctness and security proofs of our scheme were formally proved. Finally, we implemented our scheme in a simulation environment and the experiment results showed that our scheme is efficient for practical applications.
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Cai, M. (2019) An Efficient Identity-Based Homomorphic Broadcast Encryption.
Journal of Computer and Communications,
7, 23-30. doi:
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