American Journal of Operations Research

Volume 1, Issue 4 (December 2011)

ISSN Print: 2160-8830   ISSN Online: 2160-8849

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.72  Citations  

A Fuzzy Approach for Component Selection amongst Different Versions of Alternatives for a Fault Tolerant Modular Software System under Recovery Block Scheme Incorporating Build-or-Buy Strategy

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DOI: 10.4236/ajor.2011.14029    4,799 Downloads   8,385 Views  Citations




Software projects generally have to deal with producing and managing large and complex software products. As the functionality of computer operations become more essential and yet more critical, there is a great need for the development of modular software system. Component-Based Software Engineering concerned with composing, selecting and designing components to satisfy a set of requirements while minimizing cost and maximizing reliability of the software system. This paper discusses the fuzzy approach for component selection using “Build-or-Buy” strategy in designing a software structure. We introduce a framework that helps developers to decide whether to buy or build components. In case a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) component is selected then different versions are available for each alternative of a module and only one version will be selected. If a component is an in-house built component, then the alternative of a module is selected. Numerical illustrations are provided to demonstrate the model developed.

Share and Cite:

P. Jha, R. Arora and U. Dinesh Kumar, "A Fuzzy Approach for Component Selection amongst Different Versions of Alternatives for a Fault Tolerant Modular Software System under Recovery Block Scheme Incorporating Build-or-Buy Strategy," American Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 1 No. 4, 2011, pp. 249-258. doi: 10.4236/ajor.2011.14029.

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