The Role of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Management of Trophoblastic Diseases (TMD) at the University Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo (UTH-YO) of Ouagadougou ()
Ouattara Adama1,2*,
Ouedraogo Nde Nina Astrid1,2,
Lankoandé Bako Natacha3,
Tougma Sanou Aline3,
Sawadogo Yobi Alexis1,2,
Millogo Traoré Francoise1,2,
Ouédraogo Marie Charlemagne1,2,
Ouédraogo Ali1,2,
Thieba Bonané Blandine1,2
Objective: To describe the place of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases (GTD)
at the Ouagadougou UTH-YO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Materials and Patients: It was a prospective and descriptive study over a 3-year period from 1
January 2015 to 31 December 2017. It took place in the gynecology and
obstetrics department of at the University Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo
(UTH-YO) of Ouagadougou. Monitoring was based on clinical examination data,
ultrasound and kinetics of β-gestational
chorionic hormone (GCH) levels. Results: During the study period, we recorded 34 cases of trophoblastic diseases.
The average age of the patients was 35 years with extremes of 22 and 52 years. Physical
examination revealed a uterus larger than
gestational age in 17 patients (56.67%) of cases. Eight (26.67%) patients were
asymptomatic. The initial mean β-GCH was
453,747.8 IU/l with extremes of 5903 IU/l and 1,890,000
IU/l. Ultrasound was used to evoke the diagnosis in 23 patients, that to
say 76.67% of the cases. Ultrasound identified 10 complete mole cases, 20
partial mole cases. For the 3 cases of invasive mole, pelvic ultrasound
revealed heterogeneous intrauterine multi-vesicular images. In a case of choriocarcinoma,
ultrasound found an enlarged uterus with a poorly limited intracavitary
heterogeneous fundic image. Conclusion: This short series shows the central role of ultrasound in the diagnosis
and follow-up of gestational trophoblastic diseases. Indeed, the sensitivity of
ultrasound is excellent in the early diagnosis of complete moles. Ultrasonography
remains a good examination choice for the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic
tumors despite their great polymorphism. The place of ultrasound in prognostic
evaluation and treatment monitoring deserves to be studied by more important
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Adama, O. , Astrid, O. , Natacha, L. , Aline, T. , Alexis, S. , Francoise, M. , Charlemagne, O. , Ali, O. and Blandine, T. (2018) The Role of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Management of Trophoblastic Diseases (TMD) at the University Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo (UTH-YO) of Ouagadougou.
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
8, 1376-1388. doi:
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