Creative Education

Volume 9, Issue 14 (October 2018)

ISSN Print: 2151-4755   ISSN Online: 2151-4771

Google-based Impact Factor: 2.04  Citations  

Environmental Literacy: Indigenizing Environmental Education

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DOI: 10.4236/ce.2018.914156    1,109 Downloads   2,827 Views  Citations


Inculcating awareness in preserving the environment among citizens is important. Thus Environmental Education (EE) was introduced as a compulsory subject for all Malaysian students including Aboriginal community. However, many researchers have reported that indigenous knowledge (IK) with regards to environment education received less attention by researchers although many researchers have suggested that IK greatly influenced the understanding, as well as the behaviour of the Aboriginal people in preserving and conserving the environment. This study aims to investigate the effect of gender, education level and tribes on environmental literacy among Aboriginal community in Pahang, Malaysia. This study adopted a survey research design where data werecollected using two research instruments which are knowledge test and questionnaire to examine their knowledge and behaviour towards protecting the environment. Findings indicate that the level of environmental knowledge among Malaysian Aboriginal people is at a moderate level while their behaviours towards environmental care are at low moderate level most probably because the formal EE curriculum at school does not relate well with their IK. Therefore, it is suggested that Malaysian EE curriculum should be revised to creatively acknowledge and integrate IK to ensure its relevancy to Aboriginal communities.

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Rahman, N. and Nasri, N. (2018) Environmental Literacy: Indigenizing Environmental Education. Creative Education, 9, 2148-2160. doi: 10.4236/ce.2018.914156.

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