Strong Electric Field in 2D Graphene: The Integer Quantum Hall Regime from a Different (Many-Body) Perspective ()
We investigate the emerging consequences of an applied strong in-plane electric field on a macroscopically large graphene sheet subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field, by determining in exact analytical form various many-body thermodynamic properties and the Hall coefficient. The results suggest exotic possibilities that necessitate very careful experimental investigation. In this alternate form of Quantum Hall Effect, non-linear phenomena related to the global magnetization, energy and Hall conductivity (the latter depending on the strengths of magnetic B- and electric E-fields) emerge without using perturbation methods, to all orders of E-field and B-field strengths. Interestingly enough, when the value of the electric field is sufficiently strong, fractional quantization also emerges, whose topological stability has to be verified.
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Konstantinou, G. and Moulopoulos, K. (2018) Strong Electric Field in 2D Graphene: The Integer Quantum Hall Regime from a Different (Many-Body) Perspective.
Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry,
8, 32-43. doi:
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