Journal of Modern Physics

Volume 9, Issue 1 (January 2018)

ISSN Print: 2153-1196   ISSN Online: 2153-120X

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.97  Citations  

On the Ultimate Fate of Massive Neutron Stars in an Ever Expanding Universe

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DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2018.91004    955 Downloads   1,790 Views  Citations


General theory of relativity predicts the central densities of massive neutron stars (-MANs) to be much larger than the nuclear density. In the absence of energy production, the lifetimes of MANs should be shorter that their low-mass counterparts. Yet neither black holes nor neutron stars, whose masses are between two and five solar masses have ever been observed. Also, it is not clear what happened to the old MANs that were created through the collapse of first generation of stars shortly after the Big Bang. In this article, it is argued that MANs must end as completely invisible objects, whose cores are made of incompressible quark-gluon-superfluids and that their effective masses must have doubled through the injection of dark energy by a universal scalar field at the background of supranuclear density. It turns out that recent glitch observations of pulsars and young neutron star systems and data from particle collisions at the LHC and RHIC are in line with the present scenario.

Share and Cite:

Hujeirat, A. (2018) On the Ultimate Fate of Massive Neutron Stars in an Ever Expanding Universe. Journal of Modern Physics, 9, 51-69. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2018.91004.

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