Open Journal of Nursing

Volume 7, Issue 12 (December 2017)

ISSN Print: 2162-5336   ISSN Online: 2162-5344

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.22  Citations  

The Characteristic of Nurses’ Eye Movements during Observation of Patients with Disturbed Consciousness

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DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2017.712105    876 Downloads   1,718 Views  Citations


Objective: The objective of this study was to clarify the characteristics of nurses’ eye movements during observation of patients with disturbed consciousness by comparing intuition ability, critical thinking, and clinical experience years. Methods: Participants were 19 nurses working on a neurosurgery ward in Japan and caring for patients with consciousness disturbance who were unable to speak. Ten novice nurses (24.8 ± 3.36 years old) and nine expert nurses (38.3 ± 5.77 years old) were compared. The observation scene, displayed on a computer screen, was a static image of a simulated patient in a resting state who had developed right putaminal hemorrhage. We showed the participants an information sheet about the simulated patient then used an eye tracking camera to analyze gaze points, gaze time, and gaze count during observation. The Kuroda Intrinsic Intuitive Ability Scale (KIIS) created by Kawahara and the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale created by Hirayama were used for measuring intrinsic intuition ability and critical thinking disposition. Results: There were no significant differences between observation time of novices (5.0 ± 2.01 minutes) and experts (5.4 ± 1.78 minutes), nor between their total gaze time and total count. The proportion of gazing at the monitor by novice nurses and gazing at the face and bed fences by expert nurses tended to be high. The KIIS general education score influenced the gaze time and gaze count during simulated patient observation. The KIIS logical thinking score affected the gaze count to the simulated patient’s face. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the total gaze time and the total count of novices and experts. The KIIS score affected the gaze during observation of the simulated patient.

Share and Cite:

Tsuchiya, R. , Shimizu, M. , Mikami, K. , Aizu, K. , Hirakawa, Y. , Takase, S. and Nishizawa, Y. (2017) The Characteristic of Nurses’ Eye Movements during Observation of Patients with Disturbed Consciousness. Open Journal of Nursing, 7, 1502-1514. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2017.712105.

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