Treatment of Anderson Type II Odontoid Fracture in Elderly Patients by Posterior Pedicle Screw Fixation Combined with Iliac Bone Grafting ()
Objectives: To explore the treatment and related prognosis of elderly patients with Anderson II odontoid fracture with posterior pedicle screw fixation combined with iliac bone grafting. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 17 cases of elderly patients with Anderson II odontoid fracture who underwent posterior pedicle screw fixation combined with iliac bone grafting from January 2013 to December 2016. 17 patients had a history of trauma before surgery, and they all have varying degrees of atlantoaxial instability or subluxation and varying degrees of neck occipital pain and limited mobility. Result: No spinal cord or vertebral artery injury occurred during surgery. Follow-up information is complete. The follow-up period was 6 to 48 months (mean 27.4 ± 12.4 months). Postoperative imaging review prompted a good reduction of cervical spine, stable sequence; no pedicle screw loosening, fracture, iliac bone graft at the location of the situation, odontoid fracture and bone healing at the good, the patient after cervical rotation are limited to varying degrees. Conclusion: Posterior pedicle screw fixation combined with iliac bone grafting in elderly patients with Anderson II odontoid fracture can achieve good stability, and the prognosis is good, but long-term cervical rotation function may be affected to varying degrees.
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Liu, D. , Wang, Y. , Hu, B. and Li, J. (2017) Treatment of Anderson Type II Odontoid Fracture in Elderly Patients by Posterior Pedicle Screw Fixation Combined with Iliac Bone Grafting.
International Journal of Clinical Medicine,
8, 572-582. doi:
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