article is a review about the book of Ricardo Antunes, The Meanings of Work:
Essay on the Affirmation and Negation of Work that has been released in United
States (Haymarker books, 2013), United Kingdom (Brill Books, 2013) and India
(Akkar Books, 2013). The author, Ricardo Antunes, is an internationally
renowned scholar in the field of sociology of work with several publications in
Argentina, France, India, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and United
States. The author, Ricardo Antunes, is an internationally renowned scholar in
the field of sociology of work with several publications in Argentina, France,
India, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and United States. In the book,
originally published in 1999 by Boitempo Editorial, Sao Paulo⁄Brazil, after his research conducted in
1999 at the University of Sussex, under the supervision of István Mészáros,
Antunes starts with rigorous analysis of the increasingly heterogeneous and
multifaceted configuration of the working class as well as the overlaps between
productive and unproductive, material and immaterial labour, to restore and
complicate the thesis of the centrality of labour and its importance in human sociability.