A Study of Stellar Model with Kramer’s Opacity by Using Runge Kutta Method with Programming C ()
In this paper, we have made an investigation on a stellar model with Kramer’s Opacity and negligible abundance of heavy elements. We have determined the structure of a star with mass , i.e. the physical variables like pressure, density, temperature and luminosity at different interior points of the star. We have discussed about some equations of structure, mechanism of energy production in a star and energy transports in stellar interior in a star and then we have solved radiative envelope and convective core by the matching or fitting point method and Runge-Kutta method by C Programming language. In future, it will help us to know about the characteristics of new stars.
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Masud, M. and Doly, S. (2017) A Study of Stellar Model with Kramer’s Opacity by Using Runge Kutta Method with Programming C.
International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
7, 185-201. doi:
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