Effect of Warm Ionized Plasma Medium on Radiation Properties of Mismatched Microstrip Termination ()
Study of radiation properties of mismatched microstrip termination is carried out in warm ionized electron plasma medium. Linearised hydrodynamic theory coupled with vector wave technique is used to investigate radiation patterns and radiated power of a microstrip mismatched termination in one component electron plasma media for different plasma to source frequencies .These properties are used to compare the performance of an open circuit discontinuity with those of matched microstrip termination. Matched terminations are found more suitable for applications at higher frequencies than an open circuit discontinuity in the plasma medium though in free space they are less suitable.
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A. SAWALHA, "Effect of Warm Ionized Plasma Medium on Radiation Properties of Mismatched Microstrip Termination,"
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 1 No. 3, 2009, pp. 181-186. doi:
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