Discontinuous Precipitation in Al-8% Mass.Mg Alloy under the Effect of Temperature ()
The precipitation in the alloy Al-Mg system has been the subject of many theoritical and experimental investigations that have contributed to the understanding of the different mechanisms which control them. The purpose of this work is to clarify the effect of temperature on the mechanisms of these during ageing of Al-8% mass.Mg alloy. The techniques of analysis used in this respect are the optical microscopy, the X-ray diffraction and the micro hardness Vickers.
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S. Bensaada, M. Bouziane and F. Mohammedi, "Discontinuous Precipitation in Al-8% Mass.Mg Alloy under the Effect of Temperature,"
Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol. 2 No. 9, 2011, pp. 1279-1284. doi:
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