An Experimental Study of Microstructure through SEM and AFM by Interaction from High Power Femtosecond Laser Wave with BaTiO3 ()
This paper deals with the interaction of femtosecond laser with strain dependent high dielectric material. For this investigation, ferroelectric material like BaTiO3 has been chosen because of centrosymmetric structure. Due to irradiation of laser light, the micro-structure of BaTiO3 is found to change along the direction of heat propagation. SEM and AFM tools have been used to detect the morphology and roughness of the femotosecond laser treated BaTiO3. The change of morphology and surface behavior depends upon the laser fluence and intensity of laser light. The maximum change in morphology has been observed at a higher laser fluence.
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Saxena, S. , Dixit, S. and Srivastava, S. (2016) An Experimental Study of Microstructure through SEM and AFM by Interaction from High Power Femtosecond Laser Wave with BaTiO
Journal of Modern Physics,
7, 1068-1081. doi:
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