Smart Grid and Renewable Energy

Volume 2, Issue 3 (August 2011)

ISSN Print: 2151-481X   ISSN Online: 2151-4844

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.74  Citations  

Notice on a Case Study on the Utilization of Wind Energy Potential on a Remote and Isolated Small Wastewater Treatment Plant

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DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2011.23033    21,306 Downloads   24,944 Views  Citations




Small wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are frequently located, by necessity, in remote and isolated sites, which increases the difficulty of its energy supply. Some of them are located near the seaside, in environmental sensible zones, and due to tourism activity of these sites, seasonal effects related with population size fluctuation can occur, which can originate certain inefficiencies concerning WWTP design and energy supply. The objective of this paper is to describe a step by step procedure for evaluation of the wind potential of sites that are dependent of in-situ energy generation, as well as, a case study on the utilization of the potential wind energy in Magoito WWTP (5000 p.e.). The employed methodology comprised the collection of one year of in-situ wind data and its validation by comparison with historical data of about 10 years of a nearby anemometric station. The data provided by the two anemometric stations was statistically treated. It allowed the analysis of the results from the two stations are promissory in terms of wind availability and velocity. Finally, it comprised the simulation of the local wind conditions for a considerable larger area in order to find the best site for locating a wind turbine.

Share and Cite:

J. Gomes and P. Cardoso, "Notice on a Case Study on the Utilization of Wind Energy Potential on a Remote and Isolated Small Wastewater Treatment Plant," Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2011, pp. 293-299. doi: 10.4236/sgre.2011.23033.

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