A Chessboard Model of Human Brain and An Application on Memory Capacity ()
The famous claim that we only use about 10% of the brain capacity has recently been challenged. Researchers argue that we are likely to use the whole brain, against the 10% claim. Some evidence and results from relevant studies and experiments related to memory in the field of neuroscience lead to the conclusion that if the rest 90% of the brain is not used, then many neural pathways will degenerate. What is memory? How does the brain function? What would be the limit of memory capacity? This article provides a model established upon the physiological and neurological characteristics of the human brain, which can give some theoretical support and scientific explanation to explain some phenomena. It may not only have theoretically significance in neuroscience, but can also be practically useful to fill in the gap between the natural and machine intelligence.
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Gu, C. , Wang, S. and Yu, H. (2016) A Chessboard Model of Human Brain and An Application on Memory Capacity.
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics,
4, 359-367. doi:
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