Existence Region of the Module of a Parallel Contour Impedance and Phase Charts ()
The special point is found in
frequency characteristics of one model of an oscillatory contour about which it
wasn’t reported in scientific literature earlier. The point settles down at a
frequency, the smaller resonant frequency of a contour. The module of an
impedance doesn’t depend on the size of active resistance at this frequency.
Physical interpretation of the phenomenon doesn’t exist at the moment. This
article is continuation of the already research, results of calculations of
existence region of the impedance module of an oscillatory contour are for the
first time given in it and phase charts are provided. Two models of an
oscillatory contour are considered. Existence region of the module of an
impedance are essentially different for the considered models. Phase charts of
an impedance are calculated depending on relative frequency. Results of
research can be used in the electrician and the electronic engineer and manual
for profound studying of electrical equipment.
Share and Cite:
Parfentiev, N. and Parfentieva, E. (2015) Existence Region of the Module of a Parallel Contour Impedance and Phase Charts.
World Journal of Engineering and Technology,
3, 16-20. doi:
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