Urologic Pathologies of Child at Ouagadougou ()
Introduction: Urologic pathologies of
children are frequent. Urinary apparatus diseases occupy the third position
after those of respiratory and digestive tracts in children. Objectives: The
objective of this study was to investigate epidemiologic, diagnostic, and
therapeutic aspects of urologic pathologies of children in our hospital.
Patients and Methods: This work is a descriptive and retrospective study from
January 1st 2005 to December, 31st 2012 on children from 0 to 15 years old
admitted and treated in Teaching Pediatric Hospital Charles de Gaulle for a
urologic pathology. Results: In total, 711 patients had been registered with
7.3 sex-ratio, an average age of 4 years old (0 - 15 years old). Malformative
pathologies were represented by the majority (62.7%). They were mainly composed
of peritoneovaginal canal pathology, posterior urethra valves (PUV), and Pyeloureteral junction anomaly (PUJA). Urolithiasis, infectious, and tumoural
pathologies were second, third and fourth with 19.4%, 7.6% and 5.8% respectively.
Surgical treatment was necessary for 83.2% of patients. A total nephrectomy has
been realized in 5 cases for PUJA with mute kidney. Some post-operative
complications have been observed in 2.6% of operated patients. The global
mortality rate was 2.9% with Wilms’ tumor predominance in aetiology (58.8%).
Conclusion: Urologic pathologies of children are dominated by urogenital
malformations. The decreasing of their lethality is guided by a MU antenatal
diagnosis and a personal qualification to improve the diagnosis and the
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Ouédraogo, I. , Tapsoba, T. , Zaré, C. , Bandré, E. , Bernadette, B. , Ouédraogo, S. and Wandaogo, A. (2015) Urologic Pathologies of Child at Ouagadougou.
Open Journal of Urology,
5, 172-177. doi:
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