A Combined Discrete Event—Agent Based Approach to Modeling Tensile Strength of One-Dimensional Fibrous Materials. Face Validation and Effect of the Basic Model Parameters ()
A combined method of discrete event and agent based modelling has been applied to the computer modelling and simulation of the tensile strength of one-dimensional fibrous materials (ODFM). This combined method is based on the concept of discrete event simulation as being applied to the modeling of the structure of the fiber flow and on the concept of agent based modelling for modelling and simulation of the fiber interaction within the structure of the fibrous material. Frictional and traction forces arise as the result of this fiber interaction. A model of the ODFM tensile strength, which is based on the slippage effect, is created and studied in this research. Only frictional and traction forces determine the tensile strength in this kind of the model. The article examines the validation problem of the slippage effect based tensile strength model and questions regarding the strength potential estimation through variation in the parameters of the model.
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Cherkassky, A. and Bumagin, E. (2015) A Combined Discrete Event—Agent Based Approach to Modeling Tensile Strength of One-Dimensional Fibrous Materials. Face Validation and Effect of the Basic Model Parameters.
Journal of Textile Science and Technology,
1, 45-64. doi: