One-Dimensional Filamentary Multiparticle Quantum Structures Arising in the Plane Transverse to External Homogeneous Magnetic Field ()
It is shown that a single-particle wave function Ψ, obtained (Landau, 1930) as a solution of the Schr?dinger equation (for a charged particle in a homogeneous magnetic field), and an operator relation of
(or equation
) lead to the dynamic description of one-dimensional many-particle quantum filamentary states. Thus, one can overcome the problem, connected with the finding of many-body wave function as solution of the Schr?dinger equation with a very tangled Hamiltonian for multi-body system. An effect of nonlocality appears. The dependence of the linear density of particles on the magnetic field and on the number of particles in the one- dimension filamentary multiparticle quantum structure is calculated.
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Lugovoi, V. (2015) One-Dimensional Filamentary Multiparticle Quantum Structures Arising in the Plane Transverse to External Homogeneous Magnetic Field.
Journal of Modern Physics,
6, 990-1003. doi:
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