Malignant Hyperthermia: Evaluation of “Organon” 9426 in Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptible Pigs ()
Control pigs required 109.9 ug/kg/min and MHS pigs required 72.4 ug/kg/min infusion of Organon 9426 to maintain a 90% block. It appears that Organon 9426 is only one-third to one-half as potent as Vecuronium in pigs. The fact that MHS pigs only require 66% of the infusion dose to maintain a 90% block suggests that there is difference in the neuromuscular effect of Organon 9426 in MHS vs. control pigs. A linear regression analysis of the dose response data to Organon 9426 in MHS pigs indicated that 427.033 ug/kg would be required to produce a 100% neuromuscular blockade vs. 586.31 ug/kg in control pigs. Nine of the ten MHS pigs did not develop MH or show any signs of impending MH during the halothane and succinylcholine challenge at the end of the infusion period. Organon 9426 is the first muscle relaxant to offer significant protective action at a clinical dose. This suggests that there is an allosteric site on the sodium channel (acetylcholine receptor) which regulates the flow of sodium ions through the sodium channel. Organon 9426 may be therapeutically effective in an active MH case [1].
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Williams, C. (2015) Malignant Hyperthermia: Evaluation of “
Organon” 9426 in Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptible Pigs.
Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology,
5, 29-36. doi: