Superconductivity Modulated by Binary Doping in Nd1-xBaxFeAsO1-2xF2x ()
Binary doping effect is studied for the Fe-based superconductors of Nd1-xBaxFeAsO1-2xF2x(x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2). The X-ray diffractions show that the c-axis lattice constant decreases monotonously with the doping content, in contrast to the little change in the a-axis. Temperature dependences of electric resistivity and magnetic susceptibility reveal that the superconductivity for the studied system emerges at x = 0.1, and enhances together with Hc2(0) as the doping content x increases further. In case of x = 0.2, the superconducting critical temperature reaches as high as 50 K, which is the first demonstration of superconductivity with a high fluorine-doping induced by both electron and hole doping in this family. Negative Hall coefficient (RH) indicates that electron-type carriers are dominated in the present samples. The complicated temperature dependence of RH, is believed to arise from a multiband effect together with a complicated scattering, especially at the tem-perature near the TC.
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C. Qu, Z. Liu, Y. Lu, C. Chen, C. Cai, A. Fang, F. Huang, M. Wang and X. Xie, "Superconductivity Modulated by Binary Doping in Nd
Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 2 No. 6, 2011, pp. 463-471. doi:
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