Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications

Volume 7, Issue 2 (February 2015)

ISSN Print: 1942-0730   ISSN Online: 1942-0749

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.92  Citations  

Grating Lobe Suppression with Element Count Optimization in Planar Antenna Array

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DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2015.72004    5,820 Downloads   6,959 Views  Citations


The novel approach of this paper describes the suppression of grating lobe level with the element count optimization in planar antenna array. Rectangular lattice (RL) and triangular lattice (TL) structures are chosen for determining the achievable array element patterns (EP) and further suppressing the grating lobe level. The element spacing and number of elements (10 × 20 array) are taken into account for particular lattice. Grating lobe peaks are observed for the 200-element planar array at maximum scan angle (θ) with the set frequency of 3 GHz. Further, it is found that 14°; bore sight elevation of rectangular lattice produces a transformed field of view, which permits a reduction in element count of 20.39% compared with 10° bore sight elevation. Finally, the typical values of elevation, element count and array size (25 cm2) are trained using artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm and element count is predicted after testing the network. The network shows a high success rate.

Share and Cite:

Reddy, B. and Vakula, D. (2015) Grating Lobe Suppression with Element Count Optimization in Planar Antenna Array. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 7, 31-40. doi: 10.4236/jemaa.2015.72004.

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