Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases

Volume 5, Issue 2 (February 2015)

ISSN Print: 2165-7424   ISSN Online: 2165-7432

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.39  Citations  

Hypothyroidism—A Question towards Quality and Patient Centricity

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DOI: 10.4236/ojemd.2015.52003    2,976 Downloads   3,724 Views  Citations


The metabolic and endocrine disorders are either increasing across the globe or may have been observed with more focus in recent years. It is not uncommon now to find out neither patients of endocrine and metabolic disorders nor a physician of the associated diseases. There were 42 million people who had thyroid disorders including hypothyroidism according to the survey of endocrine society of India. Hypothyroidism is said when less activity of thyroid glands is observed then the normal. So, to evaluate the quality standard, empowerment and patient centricity in Pakistan with present prevalence of hypothyroidism in different age groups, gender along with the prescribed medication against pre diagnosed disease and associated co-morbidities, the study is designed with a questionnaire development including both qualitative and quantitative variables. Study was conducted on various OPD’s, profit and not for profit secondary and tertiary care hospitals and consultant clinics during July 2013 to Jan 2014 and it was given consideration to include people from all areas of life with minimization of any unforeseen biasness and comprehensive data. After full filling the inclusion criteria, 102 patients were selected as study participants. After completion and reviewing the questionnaire, data were analyzed by 21.00 SPSS version. Chi square/ fisher test, spearmen’s rank correlation were applied for categorical quantitative variable. Paired t test before and after were applied for qualitative variable. Highly significant reliability of items in the questionnaire was found along with inter item correlation (P < 0.05). Out of 102 patients of the study, 80 patients fell into the inclusion criteria, while 22 were excluded. A total of 80 patients were registered in the incorporate duration. Among the total samples 36 (42.9%) were males and 44 (52.4%) were females. Mean age males and females included in the study were 34.89 ± 17.73 and 33.36 ± 13.73 years respectively. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure (120/80 mg Hg) was observed in 18 (40.9%) females’ and 13 (36.1%) males’ patients. Quality, patient centricity and empowerment were the poor areas which need additional consultations and counseling for crutches free environment.

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Rehman, H. , Rehan, S. , Ishaq, H. , Shakeel, S. , Hashmi, F. and Naveed, S. (2015) Hypothyroidism—A Question towards Quality and Patient Centricity. Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, 5, 19-27. doi: 10.4236/ojemd.2015.52003.

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