Services provided at the premarital counseling center and characteristics of the clients, in kayseri, Turkey ()
Objectives: The study was conducted retro-spectively to evaluate the services offered at the Premarital Counseling Center (PCC) and the characteristics of the individuals who obtained counseling at the center in Kayseri. Methods: A retrospective review is based on data from the Premarital Counseling Center (PCC) in Kayseri. Seven hundred fifty four (754) individuals who attended the Center were included in the study sample. Data were collected from the Center’s records. Records of all people were reviewed by the researchers. Differences in proportions were analyzed by Chi square test and t test. Results: The age-average of the individuals who consulted the PCC was 26.2 ± 8.3, 91.1% of the individuals had Rh (+), 99.5% of them had VDRL (-), 3.9% had Hbs Ag (+), 0.8% had HCV (+) while none of the individuals was HIV (+) affected. It’s shown that 90.6% of the individuals who were between the ages of 15 - 19 were women, 9.4% of them were men. The difference between the age and the gender of the individuals who came to the center was considered significant. It was determined that the individuals who received counseling services at the PCC were not given any kind of educational and consulting services before.
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Başer, M. , Özkan, T. , Tekinsoy, P. , Albayrak, E. and Taşci, S. (2011) Services provided at the premarital counseling center and characteristics of the clients, in kayseri, Turkey.
3, 333-337. doi: