Open Journal of Nursing
Volume 4, Issue 8 (July 2014)
ISSN Print: 2162-5336 ISSN Online: 2162-5344
Google-based Impact Factor: 1.22 Citations
Perception of Menopausal Symptoms among Educated versus Non Educated Women by Using Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS) ()
Background: A cross sectional comparative study was conducted in a well populated city named Rawalpindi, which is located in the Northern part of Pakistan. Objectives: This study was aimed to document the comparison of menopausal-related symptoms among educated and non educated women of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Methods: MRS was used to measure the intensity of menopausal symptoms. 100 educated and 100 uneducated women were selected for study purpose. Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Military Hospital and Combined Military Hospital were selected as a study setting. Findings: Correlation & Fisher exact test was applied for statistical analysis. The intensity of symptoms reported by Educated women as: sleeping problems (93.0%); heart discomfort (80.0%); hot flushes and sweating (70.0%); joint and muscular pain (52.0); depressive mood (63.0%); irritability (42%); anxiety (60.0%). physical and mental exhaustion; (48.0%); sexual problem (61.0%); dryness of vagina (57.0%); and bladder problem (65.0%). The severity of symptoms in uneducated women; sleeping problems (77.0%); heart discomfort (73.0%); hot flushes (69.0%); joint and muscular pain (66.0); depressive mood (71.0%); irritability (58%); anxiety (80.0%). physical and mental exhaustion (70.0%); sexual problem (66.0%); dryness of vagina (70.0%); and bladder problem (83.0%). Conclusions: Somatic symptoms were high in educated women as compare to uneducated women while the prevalence of psychological and Urogenital symptoms were high in uneducated women as compare to educated women.
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