Smart Grid and Renewable Energy

Volume 5, Issue 6 (June 2014)

ISSN Print: 2151-481X   ISSN Online: 2151-4844

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.74  Citations  

Design and Implementation of a Portable Computer Based Induction Motor Supervisory System

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DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2014.56011    3,573 Downloads   4,824 Views  


The aim of this research paper is to monitor an inductionmotor (single or three-phase) while working or running using a portable computer. Parameters measured include supply voltage, stator coli temperature and casing temperature. For the temperatures of both stator and casing, temperature sensors were used. The sensor senses the temperature and sends its output to the analogue to the digital integrated circuit for further processing. The supply voltage is also moni-tored by a circuit and integrated circuit. The project on completion was tested and the parameters displayed on the portable computer. The objectives of the project are: The supply system can measure the following parameters: supply voltage, stator coil temperature, casing temperature. Display the data on the PC screen with the possibility of settings to establish range, limits and alarm indicators when these are exceeded. The program should be able to save data of the log entry with time on a dedicated file as record for future analysis.

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Patrick, O. , Tolulope, O. and Ajibade, A. (2014) Design and Implementation of a Portable Computer Based Induction Motor Supervisory System. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 5, 121-127. doi: 10.4236/sgre.2014.56011.

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